19 March -Agenda
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge, 13 South View, Humberston, Grimsby, NE Lincs. DN36 4XA
Tel: 01472 812730 Email: Marshchapelpc@gmail.com
There will be a meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council on Tuesday, 19th March 2024 at 7.30pm, in the Meeting Room at the rear of the Village Hall.
Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (V. Chair); C Henderson; R. Parkinson; H. Mason; V. Claricoates, C. Pursey and J. Pepper.
Clllr. D McNally (LCC & ELDC);
1. Apologies - Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent. Reasons for absence are not minuted but need to be accepted by members present. Tel: 01472 812730 or email: clerkmarshchapelpc@gmail.com or marshchapelpc@gmail.com
2. Brief open meeting for members of the public, if present, at discretion of Chair. (15 mins)
3. County and District Councillors Reports (15 mins)
4. Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
5. Minutes of previous meetings (16.01.24) to be agreed and signed. (Including pink minutes).
6. Matters Arising,
• Monkey Climber now installed, concrete pads are down for benches, which might be in place by date of meeting;
• Tree in Hallgarth, any update from CC?
7. Financial Report.
• Approve financial statement; (attached), (shows BAC’s payments made, to be listed in minutes)
• Cheques;
8 Playing Field
• Any further plans, are we going to repair or replace balance bars?
9. Bus shelter (Cllr Claricoates)
10. Planters for seat/notice board site, any more ideas going forward? Start date for N. Board, flagpole & planters.
11 Any info. from Solicitors ref. meeting room.
12. National Grid Pylons – Grimsby to Walpole. Objection letter sent in.
13. Correspondence – as per circulated list
14. Planning.
N/118/02489/23 – Greenhouse, Harpham Road - passed
15. Chairmans Items.
Clerk has applied for free portrait of HM King Charles III to hang in our Meeting Room.
Free fraud pack available by following link on web site – example of what you will receive.
16. Items for next Agenda
17. Date and time of next meeting – Next meeting Tuesday 14 May, 2024 - 7:30 pm.
APM - 7.30pm; APCM to follow.
Pauline Plumridge – Clerk/RFO
11 March, 2024