21 May- Agenda (APCM)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge, 13 South View, Humberston, Grimsby, NE Lincs. DN36 4XA
Tel: 01472 812730 Email: Marshchapelpc@gmail.com
There will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council on Tuesday 21st May, 2024 at 7.30pm, after the Annual Parish Meeting, in the Meeting Room at the rear of the Village Hall.
Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (V. Chair); C Henderson; R. Parkinson; H. Mason , V. Claricoates, C Pursey & J Pepper.
Clllr D McNally (LCC & ELDC)
1. Election of Chair
2. Apologies - Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent. Reasons for absence are not minuted but need to be accepted by members present. Tel: 01472 812730 or email: clerkmarshchapelpc@gmail.com or marshchapelpc@gmail.com
3. Election of Vice Chair
4. Other representatives.
• Village Hall;
• Allotment Overseer;
• Playing Field.
5. Brief open meeting for members of the public, if present, at discretion of Chair. (15 mins)
6. County Councillor and District Councillors reports. (15 mins)
7. Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
8. Minutes of previous meeting (19 March) to be moved and signed.
9. Matters Arising,
i) Amenity area – progress report.
ii) Kings portrait
10. Financial Report.
• Accept the Internal Auditors Report;
• Approve the Annual Governance Statement, which has been circulated
• Approve the Accounting Statement, which has been circulated;
• Approve the Certificate of Exemption .
• Approve financial statement;
• Cheques;
11. Correspondence – as per circulated list
12. Playing Field.- Progress made with regard to mud round monkey climber and further equipment.
13. Speed Limit through village.
14. Planning.
15. Chairmans Items.
16 Council’s option of closed/confidential session – Resolution if required.
17. Date and time of next meeting – Tuesday 9th July, 2024, at 7.30pm
Pauline Plumridge – Clerk/RFO 30 April, 2024