Councillor Chris Pursey

Cllr Pursey

Joined Marshchapel Parish Council 9th November, 2021

"Having moved from a large city environment and being semi-retired, I feel I will be able to offer some of my time, skills and experience to the Parish Council and my village.

Both my wife and I have been warmly welcomed into the village by everyone we have met and are looking forward to getting involved with local community events and making new friends.

I hope to be on hand to assist with all aspects of village assets such as the Village Hall, public spaces, children’s play park and  War Memorial

Using my previous experience as a Police officer (now retired), I hope to assist with any problems of traffic issues i.e., speeding, antisocial vehicles, etc.  and antisocial behaviour/vandalism etc. by liaising with local police/Traffic/Community Speed Watch Partnership to discuss possible solutions"