March 2020 Agenda - Meeting cancelled due to Covid 19

There will be a meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council on Tuesday 17th March,  2020 at 7.30 pm. 

A meeting of the Charity Trustees will also take place at 7.00 pm (not open to members of the public).

Cllrs.  P Rickett  (Chair);  S. Osbourne  (V. Chair);  C Henderson;   R. Cordy;  R. Bealey;  R. Parkinson;     H.  Mason  and  S. Atkin.


  1. Apologies - Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent.  Reasons for absence are not minuted but need to be accepted by members present.  Tel:  01472 812730 or email:   or 


  1. Open meeting for discussions with members of public, if present – 15 minutes

(Please refer to standing orders for limitations;27 1/5)


  1. Open meeting for discussion with County and District Councillors , if present – 15 minutes


  1. Open meeting for discussion with Police Officers, if present – 15 minutes


  1. Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


  1. Minutes of previous meeting.


  1. Matters Arising as per Clerk’s report and any further update from Chairman.
  1.  Property flooding – parties involved continuing to work together.
  2. BT barriers/manhole near church – all complete barriers removed manhole repaired.
  3. Spring in Playing Field.
  4. Tree in Hallgarth.

8.     Financial Report –

  1. Approve & sign financial report;
  2. Cheques.


  1. Correspondence (as  forwarded)

      10.    Community  Emergency Plan

      11.    Planning

12.  Damage Report

13. Chairman’s Items: Progress on meeting with Police regarding camera.

14.  AOB – Brief items only please, request for next Agenda.

15. Council’s  Option  of  Closed/Confidential  Session – Resolution if required.

15. Date and Time of Next Meeting -   Tuesday 14th  April, 7-30 for Parish Council;  7.00 for Trust.



P. Plumridge  - 12th March, 2020
