19 March 2024 - Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 20 2023/24
19 March, 2024
Minutes of the Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 19 March, 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (Vice), V. Claricoates, H. Mason, C. Henderson, & C. Pursey
Also Present: Cllr D McNally (CC & ELDC)
Apologies: Cllrs R. Parkinson & J. Pepper (reasons accepted)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
79.23 - Open meeting for Members of Public
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for agreeing to put the meeting back one week..
80.23 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports
Cllr McNallly gave the following information.
Violence Against Women and Girls – being followed/stalked
Based on research showing that women and girls are being followed but don’t report it because they think nothing can be done, Lincolnshire Police has worked with Lincoln College to produce this video to encourage reporting. You can watch the video here: https://we.tl/t-VNLqEfK86q For more information about the campaign, visit: Violence against women and girls | Lincolnshire Police (lincs.police.uk)
Station Leisure and Learning Centre – update
The new swimming pool is taking shape as part of the Towns Fund Station Leisure and Learning Centre in Mablethorpe. Tiling is progressing and you can now see the lane lines for the four-lane pool. Other works progressing include: Works for internal services for electric, water, heating, air handling and pool plant, walls are being plastered and wall tiling to changing areas is well advanced. Outside, paving is being set out and the facing brickwork of the building are well advanced too. Base layers are being levelled/compacted ahead of the playground construction.
Lincs Digital - As part of supporting the development of community drop-ins, Lincs Digital is delivering community-based digital inclusion sessions. These sessions can help residents with accessing public online services, online finances, household budgeting, universal credit, searching for a job and more.
80th anniversary of D-Day landing. - On June 6th, 2024, it will be 80 years since the D-Day landing took place during the Second World War. This event was a turning point in the process of liberating France and more of Western Europe.
Communities are invited to light their beacons at 9.15pm on 6 June 2024.
More details of this anniversary, and how to get involved in honouring D-Day, can be found on the Royal British Legion’s website - D-Day 80 | Remembrance | Royal British Legion
Cllr McNally reported that the consultation on pedestrianisation in Louth resulted in things returning to how they were with no change at the Corn Market.
Information about a website about fraud: https://www.oprepeat.co.uk/
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 21 2023/24
19 March, 2024
Devolution is going ahead, the handover documents to delegate authority to have a Mayor are in place. Election will be in 2025.
LCC have objected to the Grimsby – Walpole pylons and asked that the alternatives be fully investigated. (Marshchapel PC also sent in a letter of objection.)
There is an open day on 25 May, at Energy Waste Centre in Lincoln where the black bin waste produces electricity, celebrating their 10 year Anniversary with 1.8m tonnes of rubbish processed.
The Budget has been set District is up 3.5% and County up 5% with 2% on social care and 3% normal budget. The unexpectedly high increase in minimum wage has made it difficult.
Cllr Rickett added that he has been asked to join the Carbon Reduction Scrutiny Panel
Council meeting opened by Chair.
81.23– Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
82.23 – Minutes
The minutes of the previous meetings (16.1.24) were moved and signed. The pink/confidential minutes were also agreed and signed.
83.23 - Matters Arising
The new play equipment has been well received, however there is an issue with mud. Cllr Claricoates has knowledge of special matting that will help this. It was proposed by Cllr Rickett that we allow up to £250 for this matting, Cllr Mason seconded, all in favour. Cllr Claricoates to report back.
The tree in Hallgarth has been looked at and concerns acknowledged, no immediate action but arboricultural specialist advice will be sought and advice acted on. We have asked for some branches to be lopped in meantime
Occupier of Shetland House has been asked to cut back the hedge that is on the boundary with Littlefield Lane, we understand he is in the process of getting this done.
(Cllr McNally left ,feeling unwell, at 8.10pm)
84.23 – Financial
Financial statement approved and signed by Cllr Mason.
931 – HMRC – Paye
932 – P. Plumridge – Wages Q4
933 – P. Plumridge Expenses for year
BAC’s between meetings:
Contractor – Grass - £120
Contractor – hard standing - £1200
Finding Fitness - £7182
NBB - £2439
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 22 2023/24
19 March, 2024
Debit card
Data Protection course for Clerk - £18.00
85.23 – Playing Field
Discussed current equipment, agreed to remove current broken log roll equipment and to tidy up corner behind AWA building. AWA have ben contacted regarding repairing/replacing their fencing.
We have been asked to consider a gate on the entrance to stop children easily running out of the field.
Cllr Rickett proposed we ask Karl Graham to do this with a budget of up to £500 allowed, Cllr Henderson seconded this, all in favour.
Various other items of equipment were looked at with interest shown in a Play Fort (to replace log roll), proposed Cllr Osbourne, seconded Cllr Claricoates. Clerk to investigate further.
The field is very wet and spongy at the moment and it was discussed getting it rolled. Cllr Pursey proposed up to £100, Cllr Henderson seconded. Cllr Rickett to action this.
The dyke at the bottom of the Playing Field needs cleaning and jetting. A quote for £300 has been received, Cllr Claricoates proposed we go ahead, Cllr Osbourne seconded, all in favour.
86.23 – Bus Shelter
Still uncertainty where this could be sited.
87.23 Planters, Flagpole and Notice Board
Notice Board is at Cllr Osbournes, Flagpole (already agreed, from Cllr grant) and addition bench/seat (already agreed (69.21)) will be ordered, planter- two tier,self watering, proposed by Cllr Claricoates, seconded by Cllr Pursey.
Clerk to meet with Cllr Mason & Cllr Henderson to finalise position of items.
88.23 Correspondence
The following has been received:
NALC Newsletter Chief Exec. Bulletin LALC E-news NALC Events
10.1.24 11.1.24 12.1.24 9.1.24
17.1.24 18.1.24 26.1.24 16.1.24
24.1.24 25.1.24 9.2.24 23.1.24
31.1.24 1.2.24 23.2.24 30.1.24
7.2.24 8.2.24 8.3.24 6.2.24
14.2.24 16.2.24 13.2.24
21.2.24 22.2.24 19.2.24
28.2.24 29.2.24 27.2.24
6.3.24 7.3.24 8.3.24
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19 March, 2024
4.1.24 Green waste info
5.1.24 LCC Lorry Watch info, on web site
8.1.24 ELDC N/118/02484/23 Greenhouse
10.1.24 Precept info
12.1.24 Greater Lincolnshire Devolution Consultation
15.1.24 Nat Grid - Grimsby - Walpole consultation
18.1.24 LCC Traffic Regs
22.2.24 LALC subs
22.1.24 ELDC N/118/00038/24 Church shed
22.1.24 Precept confirmation
23.1.24 Zurich Ins update
1.2.24 Community CPR Training
6.2.24 LCC Planning Apps changes
16.2.24 Police Crime Commissioner - invite
19.2.24 Elec vehicle charging locations Agenda Item
21.2.24 Signage in Hall Garth Agenda Item
26.2.24 N/118/02489/23 Approved
1.3.24 ELDC - 118/00303/23N land adj Jubilee Cotts - update
7.3.24 LCC response to Nat Grid Grimsby - Walpole
11.3.24 N/118/00038/24 - Approved
Electric vehicle charging location – the Village Hall car park was suggested, VH Committee to discuss.
Signage for ‘Children Playing’ at Hallgarth, requested by resident, Cllrs agreed for signs to be obtained up to £100, proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Henderson.
89.23 – Planning - None
90.23 – Chairmans Items
Free portrait of HM King Charles III applied for by Clerk.
Free fraud pack available from web site, sample pack shown.
91.23 – Items for next Agenda
Info. from Solicitors
Speed limit
92.23 – Date and Time of Next Meeting - Tuesday 14 May, 2024 at 7.30 pm. This will be APM followed by APCM.
No further business, meeting closed at 8.55pm.
14 May, 2024
posted 1/4/24