11 July 2023 - Agenda

Clerk:  Mrs P. Plumridge,  13 South View, Humberston, Grimsby,  NE Lincs.  DN36 4XA
Tel:  01472 812730           Email:  Marshchapelpc@gmail.com
There will be a meeting  of Marshchapel Parish Council on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 at 7.30pm, in the Meeting Room at the rear of the Village Hall.
Cllrs.  P Rickett  (Chair);  S. Osbourne  (V. Chair);  C Henderson;   R. Parkinson;  H.  Mason;   V. Claricoates,                    C.  Pursey.
Clllr. D McNally (LCC & ELDC)
1.  Apologies - Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent.  Reasons for absence are not minuted but need to be accepted by members present.  Tel:  01472 812730 or email: clerkmarshchapelpc@gmail.com   or  marshchapelpc@gmail.com  
2.  Brief open meeting for members of the public, if present, at discretion of Chair. (15 mins)
3.  County and District Councillors Reports (15 mins)
4.  Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
5.  Minutes of previous meeting (25.05.23) to be agreed and signed.
6.  Matters Arising,
• Notice board in Trust gardens now being left in situ for community use  –  need to decide whether new one is being put on grassed area of village hall or on the outside of the hall building/gable end.
• Land license – Amenity use and designated area;  (next action)
• Fence repair – Playing Field – contractor contacted waiting for quote.
• Christmas tree/flag pole 
7.  Financial Report.
• Approve financial statement; (attached)
• Cheques;
8.  Co-option of new Councillor. Notice to be put in Notice Board and on web site.  Applicants to apply by 31 August, 2023.  We would look to agree suitable applicant at September meeting.
9.  Village Hall trees –  no quote received yet.
10.  Playing field perimeter, house owner complaining about state of field (tree stumps) where he wants to redo his boundary fence, discuss and resolve.
11.  Correspondence – as per circulated list
12.  Planning. – none  between meetings
13.  Chairmans Items.
14.  Items for next Agenda
15.  Date and time of next meeting –Parish Council meeting Tuesday 12 September,  2023 -  7:30 pm
Pauline Plumridge
Clerk/RFO,   26.06.23