October 2019 Agenda

There will be a meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council on Tuesday 8th October,  2019 at 7.30 pm. 

A meeting of the Charity Trustees will also take place at 7.00 pm (not open to members of the public).

Cllrs.  P Rickett  (Chair);  S. Osbourne  (V. Chair);  C Henderson;   R. Cordy;  R. Bealey;  R. Parkinson;     H.  Mason.


  1. Apologies - Please notify the Clerk if you are going to be absent.  Reasons for absence are not publically minuted but need to be accepted by members present.  Tel:  01472812730 or email: clerkmarshchapelpc@gmail.com   or  marshchapelpc@gmail.com 


  1. Open meeting for discussions with members of public, if present – 15 minutes


  1. Open meeting for discussion with County and District Councillors , if present – 15 minutes


  1. Open meeting for discussion with Police Officers, if present – 15 minutes


  1. Welcome to new co-opted Councillor.  Acceptance of office and DPI forms to complete.


  1. Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


  1. Minutes of previous meeting.


  1. Matters Arising as per Clerk’s report and any further update from Chairman.

9.      Financial Report –

  1. Approve & sign financial report;
  2. Agree amount for Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal;
  3. Cheques.

10.  Village Hall.

11.  Correspondence (as  forwarded)

12.  GDPR Policys and notices.

13.  Planning –

 Consultations on:  N/118/01346/19 – Chain Terrace;    N/118/01744/19 – Swaby Close.

 Decisions:  N/118/01362/19 Post House, refused;  N/11801370 Marram, approved.

14.  Damage Report

15. Chairman’s Items:

16.  AOB – Brief items only please, request for next Agenda.

17. Council’s  Option  of  Closed/Confidential  Session – Resolution if required.

18. Date and Time of Next Meeting -   Tuesday 12th  November, 7-30 for Parish Council;  7.00 for Trust.




P. Plumridge  -  28th September, 2019
