March 2022 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 18/2021/22
9th March, 2022
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Meeting Room on Tuesday 9th March, 2022 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); C. Henderson, V Claricoates, R Parkinson, H Mason, S. Atkin, C. Pursey.
Also present Cllr D McNally (LCC & ELDC) + 5 members of public (names on file)
Apologies Cllr. S. Osbourne.
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
Chair welcomed everybody and invited them to spend a few moments reflecting on the situation in Ukraine at present.
Marshchapel Parish Council supports Lincolnshire County Council in their response to the current events.
County leaders pledge help for Ukraine refugees
All council leaders in Lincolnshire stand with the people of Ukraine at this terrible and deeply worrying time.
We have plans in place to welcome any Ukraine refugees who seek safety in our county and are working together to ensure we can support the welfare of families and individuals suffering because of the Russian invasion.
The response by the people of Lincolnshire has been immediate and heartfelt and we are working with the Red Cross who are co-ordinating donations of goods and money that are being made.
As more people flee Ukraine our resettlement team will be ready to work with those wanting to offer housing and do all we can to help those displaced by this horrific war.
If you'd like to register an interest in providing temporary accommodation please call us on 01522 552222.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 19/2021/22
9th March, 2022
60.22 Apologies
Cllr Osbourne sent her apologies, which were accepted.
61.21 - Open meeting for Members of Public
Five members of public were present, all with concerns regarding the behaviour of youths on the Playing Field and in the Pavilion. There is copious amounts of broken beer bottles, broken glass, cans etc., as well as alleged reports of drug taking. The Police have been contacted on a regular basis but don’t always attend and sometimes don’t even answer the ‘phone call.
This was discussed at length and the chair advised that although it may seem futile to keep ringing the Police this is the only way to deal with it. Phone calls and reports influence where the officers attend and their patrols. so if reports aren’t being filed no one is aware of the problem.
Parishioners and Councillors were strongly advised by the Chair not to take the law into their own hands to try and deal with this matter and to let the Police deal with it, since most of the offenders are now classed as adults and will be dealt with accordingly.
The portacabin problem will be dealt with and discussed later in the meeting as there is a problem with access via the public house car park.
CCTV is not a viable option for a number of reasons.
62.21 - County Councillor and District Councillor Reports
The County Council have set up an apprentice scheme, details are on their website.
Council tax from CC has gone up 5% - 3% for adult social care and 2% for roads, following a cut by central government. CC are to use their reserves for roads as well.
ELDC have raised the tax by an equivalent of £5 per year for a Band D property.
ELDC will be recycling paper and card hopefully from September as well as a facility for glass.
West Lindsey are already recycling paper and card so this will be ‘rolled out’.
63.21 – Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
64.21 – Financial
Financial report previously forwarded, accepted, no questions, bank statement signed by Chair,
Cheques signed
879 – Contractor grass cutting (October) - £132.00
880 – Clerks Wages
Proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Henderson.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 20/2021/22
9th March, 2022
Clerk asked if Councillors wanted to join the training scheme offered by LALC, at a cost of £110 + VAT for the year. As each full day course is about £60, it was proposed by Cllr Rickett and seconded by Cllr Parkinson that we join the scheme.
A number of Councillors expressed an interest in training courses, Cllr Claricoates and Cllr Atkin would like ‘new councillor’ courses, especially interested if by Zoom. Clerk to investigate.
65.21 - Correspondence
Correspondence received since 9th November,
- Bank statements;
- Clerk & Councils direct.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting: This is not all the emails we received .
- 9.11.21 – LALC E News;
- 10.11.21 – NALC Newsletter;
- 10.11.21 – Dogger Bank South consultation;
- 12.11.21 – NALC Chief Exec. Bulletin;
- 14.11.21 – ELDC Planning N/118/02130/21- Eskham Wood Annex consultation;
- 16.11.21 – NALC events;
- 16.11.21 – LALC E news;
- 16.11.21 – Town and Parish News;
- 17.11.21 – NALC Newsletter;
- 18.11.21 – ELDC Planning Dept – 118/00427/20/N – Post House enforcement;
- 19.11.21 – ELDC Panning Dept – N/118/02262/21 – Post House – Lawful use;
- 19.11.21 – YMCA Update and Bulletin;
- 19.11.21 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 23.11.21 – NALC events;
- 23.11.21- Richard Inman – AWA – Priority Services Register;
- 23.11.21 – LALC E news
- 24.11.21 – NALC Newsletter;
- 25.11.21 – Archaeological Poster info;
- 26.11.21 – LALC E news;
- 26.11.21 – NALC - Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 30.1.21 – NALC Events;
- 30.11.21- LALC E news;
- 1.12.21 – NALC Newsletter;
- 1.12.21 – Hornsea Two Newsletter;
- 1.12.21 – PWLB – notification;
- 2.12.21 – Platers fence invoice;
- 3.12.21 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 6.12.21 – TSGP – Xmas bus operating services;
- 7.12.21 – NALC events;
- 7.12.21 – ELDC Planning N/118/02130/21 – Eskham Wood Annex – approval;
- 8.12.21 – LALC E news;
- 8.12.21 – NALC Newsletter;
- 10.12.21 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin,
- 14.12.21 – NALC Events;
- 14.12.21 – LALC Clerks E News;
- 15.12.21 – NALC Newsletter;
- 16.12.21 – ELDC Planning N/118/02221/21 -Timber Mill – consultation;
- 17.12.21 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 18.12.21 – ELDC precept info;
- 20.12.21- Dogger Bank South;
- 21.12.21 – NALC events;
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 21/2021/22
9th March, 2022
- 21.12.21 – YMCA Bulletin;
- 21.12.21- Town & Parish news;
- 4.1.22 – LALC E News;
- 5.1.22 – NALC Events;
- 5.1.22-.Letter from St Mary’s;
- 7.1.22 LCC Tax proposals;
- 11.1.22 NALC events.
- 12.1.22 NALC Newsletter;
- 14.1.22 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 17.1.22 ELDC confirmation of precept requirement;
- 18.1.22 NALC Events;
- 18.1.22 LALC Clerks E News;
- 19.1.22NALC Newsletter;
- 21.1.22 Town & Parish News;
- 21.1.22 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 25.1.22 NA:C Events;
- 25.1.22 LALC Clerks E News;
- 26.1.22NALC Newsletter;
- 28.1.22 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin
- 28.2.22 ELDC Consultation N/118/00109/22 – Eskham Wood;
- 30.1.22 ELDC Consultation N/118/00130/22 – Marshchaparrel, North Lane;
- 31.1.22 LALC Annual Training Scheme renewal - -- to be discussed
- 1.2.22 Clerks E News;
- 2.2.22 NALC Newsletter;
- 3.2.22.Royal British Legion – Plant Tree for Jubilee;
- 4.2.22 Jubilee Newsletter;
- 4.2.22 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 6.2.22 Quarterly Newsletter Wolds NPT;
- 8.2.22 NALC Events;
- 8.2.22 Clerks E News;
- 11.2.22 Archer Survey results;
- 11.2.22 Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 15.2.22 NALC Events;
- 15.2.22 Town & Parish News;
- 16.2.22 NALC Newsletter;
- 18.2.22 Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 22.2.22 LALC E News;
- 25.2.22 Chief Exec Bulletin
66.21 – Speed signs
The result of the Archer Report were encouraging. Cllr McNally has offered to try and get us the lead required to get information off our own speed sign.
Comments have been received regarding parents parking on the yellow zig zag markings on the road, Clerk to contact Headteacher and Governors of school.
67.21 - Playing Field – Gym Equipment
In view of the problems we are encountering on the Playing Field at present it was agreed to put this matter on hold for the time being, which is a shame for the rest of the community.
The current owner of the pavilion on the Playing Field will be asked to try and get it removed, we understand there is a problem with access and if need be we will look at access through the play park.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 22/2021/22
9th March, 2022
68.21 – Planning
Between meetings
N/118/02221/21 - Platers Yard – supported
N/118/00109/22 – Eskham Wood – supported
N/118/00130 – Marshchaparral – supported
Ratified, proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Atkin.
N/118/ 00196/22 - Westlands Water -solar panels- supported
Proposed Cllr Atkin, seconded Cllr Parkinson.
69.21 – Chairmans Items
Queens Platinum Jubilee - tie on plaques for lamp posts, are available, Cllr Rickett proposed we purchase 25 of these for the village, seconded Cllr Parkinson. These are from the British Legion shop and profit goes to the Royal British Legion.
Jubilee benches were also discussed for the village, it was agreed we purchase two, one for the Churchyard and one for the area near village hall.
A tree for the Queens Canopy was also discussed and it was proposed by Cllr Claricoates and seconded by Cllr Henderson that we purchase one.
Cllr Henderson was asked what other plans there were for the Jubilee as the Church are involved, a meeting is planned for later this week.
70.21 – Date and Time of next meeting
Tuesday 10th May, 2022, at 7.30pm. This will be the Annual Parish meeting followed by Annual Parish Council meeting.
We are still trialling bi-monthly meetings, they will continue for now.
No further business, meeting closed 9.05pm.