July 2022 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 05 2022
12th July, 2022
Minutes of the Marshchapel Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 12th July, 2022 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (Vice), C. Henderson, H. Mason, R Parkinson & V. Claricoates
Apologies: C. Pursey (reasons accepted)
Also present: Cllr. D. McNally (DC & CC); 2 PCSO’s 2 members of public, rep from Internetty (Ben)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
15.22 - Open meeting for Police
The Police attended the meeting and brought with them crime figures for the past six months.
These were discussed and married up with incidents involving youths in the village. A lot of discussion took place with the members of the public and Cllrs. The Police are aware that there are more one than group of youths causing problems.
(Police and two members of public left meeting at 8.05)
16.22 Discussion with Rep from Internetty
Ben, from Internetty was present to answer questions about the roll out of internet access by his company
in Marshchapel. It has started, five are now connected and many more to come. There will be a few road closures over the coming weeks but they will do their best to make delays as minimal as possible.
The company have offered to put the internet into the Trust cottages free as well as into a community building, which we suggest should be the Village Hall.
(Ben left at 8.25)
17.22 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports Emailed report from Cllr Rickett. Council Decisions Record There are no decision notices this week. Directorate Key Updates Please find here some key and exciting updates for the Programme Delivery Directorate. Towns Fund Projects - Following Government announcements that funding bids have been successful the priority for the team, working side by side with Growth team colleagues, has been scheme design, planning application progression and resource planning for this major programme delivery. Activities covered in the previous update including contractor procurement, project assurance and general resourcing of key workstreams including client side cost management and project management have continued at pace through this month. Since the last update the planning application for the Culture House, Skegness has been submitted, the Boston Leisure model has progressed well and negotiations with the EA about the Colonnade at Sutton on Sea have been advanced significantly by the Growth team and we continue working hard on programme management to ensure that we have very clear, robust controls on all in-house delivery projects. • East Coast Illuminations - Today East Lindsey District Council will sign and seal a new three plus three year Illuminations contract for Skegness and Mablethorpe with Blachere Illuminations; a company that the Council has worked with for many years whose amazing lights also light up Harrods, the Dorchester Hotel and have illuminated the Castles at Disney Land Resort Florida, Disney Land Paris and Disney Land Hong Kong. Their all new low energy, wide pattern LED lights will be housed in their revolutionary BIOPRINT material, a fully degradable bioplastic manufactured from organic sugar cane meaning that when the rigs are eventually
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 06 2022
12th July, 2022
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- disposed of they will leave no unwelcome footprint behind. The lights in Skegness will go on on Saturday 30 July and in Mablethorpe the following week on 6 August; they remain lit until the end of February - please do visit any time after dusk between these times and see what these two fabulous resorts have to offer when the sun goes down. • Works well underway at Ayscoughfee - works to the central café block and toilets are now well underway at Ayscoughfee, the cafe improvement works that you will have seen taking place if you have visited in the last few weeks finish today with works to the toilets to now progress at pace. In addition, the main gates to the site were skilfully removed this week and headed off for comprehensive refurbishment. • Council Offices at Priory Road, Spalding Window Refurbishment - starting on 4 July, repair and replacement works to the windows in the old block at SHDCs main offices will begin in earnest. Spalding Western Relief Road – Section 5 of the SWRR is now in full delivery mode, with officers continuing to work alongside the funders (Homes England), LCC Highways and various landowners to support delivery of the infrastructure • Levelling Up Fund – Work continues on three levelling up fund bids for the partnership, with the directorate providing technical support to the bids that are being developed ahead of the submission deadline of July 6th 2022. Such technical support is vital in ensuring that the LUF bids are supported by a sound delivery strategy and business case. • Food Enterprise Zone Holbeach - The team are working in collaboration with Lincolnshire County Council, the University of Lincoln and Greater Lincolnshire LEP to progress the delivery strategy for the Holbeach Food Enterprise Zone – a prestige employment site of significant strategic importance to the sub-region as a whole, and its agri-food economy. The FEZ HUB building is planned for its formal opening in July – the centre will provide ‘start-up’ business space for up to 30 businesses in the agri-food sectors. The Horncastle HUB - is really looking like a state of the art headquarters any business or organisation can be proud of; we remain on track for completion in September ready for all of our new furniture and IT equipment to compliment the quality of the design and build we are delivering. Emerging Policy – The draft South Holland Derelict and Untidy Sites Policy is a now confirmed agenda item for the July Policy Development Panel at South Holland. • Biodiversity and Woodland – Following an extensive search for suitable woodland and biodiversity sites officers at South Holland have identified a site and agreed terms for its acquisition off market. This activity is well timed in the context of the emerging Partnership Tree Strategy. Capital Programme – Numerous individual schemes are being progressed and brought to completion, Daffodil Walk in South Holland now has a bright and vibrant sign at its entrance and the customers at the swimming pool in Skegness are really befitting from the replacement of the pool plant equipment. Rescheduled Meetings Please be advised that the Audit and Governance Committee due to take place on Wednesday 29th June has now been rescheduled for Wednesday 6th July at 10:15am in the Council Chambers. Please also be advised that the General Licensing Committee due to take place on Monday 27th June has now been rescheduled for Friday 29th July at 10am in the Council Chambers. Public Sector Hub Update: 21/6/2022 The Following work is being carried out/ completed (Images attached): • Raised flooring is continuing to be laid • Vinyl flooring has been laid in the toilets and is to be trimmed and finished soon
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 07 2022
12th July, 2022
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • The water main has been secured in the ground • The Northern carpark has been cleared and will be built up ready for tarmacking shortly • All plasterworks have finished Councillors Community Grant Scheme The Councillors’ Community Grants Scheme 2022/23 is now open. Attached is an editable PDF version of the application form and a copy of the Information Policy Booklet 2022/23. If you require any information or have any enquiries regarding the Scheme please do not hesitate to contact Daisy Fitzgerald at either community.grants@e-lindsey.gov.uk or on 01507 613442. S&ELCP attended Lincolnshire Show This week the S&ELCP attended the Lincolnshire Show. It was the first partnership outing and was very successful. We had on sale Boston Big Local’s limited edition of Boston Monopoly and had officers from across the Partnership there answering public questions on the Climate Strategy, and Levelling Up ideas to why the Partnership formed. Wellbeing Lincs were also at the show and had a stand next to the SELCP offering support to the public. Gleeson Homes - Discounted Housing Scheme Property Gleeson Homes have one remaining Discounted Housing Scheme property available on Park Avenue in Louth Park Avenue https://gleesonhomes.co.uk/developments/park-avenue/ Applicants can apply by registering an interest with Gleeson Homes and then completing an online application https://oneteamlincs.housingjigsaw.co.uk and are required to provide a copy of their mortgage agreement in principle. Applications will be assessed by ELDC Housing department against the criteria for the scheme. Applicants will need to demonstrate a local connection to Louth or the East Lindsey district. Applications should be submitted as soon as possible in order to be considered. This is an ideal opportunity for people to get a step on the property ladder who may not be able to afford full market value. You purchase 100% of the property at 80% of the market value. It’s Not Too Late to Get Your Covid Vaccinations Against a backdrop of a rise in covid cases nationally, Lincolnshire people are being reminded to get their covid vaccinations, particularly anyone aged 75 and over as well as those who are immunosuppressed. The Office for National Statistics has reported an increase in the percentage of people testing positive for covid, likely caused by Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5, and data from the UK Health Security Agency has revealed hospital admission rates are increasing, although admissions to intensive care units remain low. In addition to spring boosters for people aged 75 and over and those who are immunosuppressed, there is still an ‘evergreen’ offer available for covid vaccinations in Lincolnshire, which means anyone who is yet to be vaccinated can get their 1st, 2nd, or booster vaccinations. The pop-up vaccination sessions (listed below) do not require an appointment, you can just turn up – for the latest information on the locations and dates/times of these sessions, please visit www.lincolnshireccg.nhs.uk/grabajab. Alternatively, appointments for covid vaccinations can be booked online using the National Booking System or by calling 119. In addition to the pop-ups listed below and also at www.lincolnshireccg.nhs.uk/grabajab, this weekend (Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th June) there will be walk-in sessions for 5-11 year-olds and 12-17 year-olds at PRSA Mass Vaccination Centre, Boston, as follows: Saturday 25th June:
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 08 2022
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-11 year-olds 10am – 2pm 12-17 year-olds 8am – 12pm Sunday 26th June: 5-11 year-olds 8am – 4.30pm 12-17 year-olds 8am – 4.30pm The vaccination teams will be running the following pop-up walk-in sessions: Saturday 25th June at Alford Corn Exchange, 9 Market Place, Alford LN13 9EB, between 10.30am and 1pm for spring boosters for people aged 75 and over and anyone aged 18 and over who is currently immunosuppressed, plus vaccinations for anyone eligible aged 18 and over (evergreen offer – i.e. 1st, 2nd and booster doses), and between 1.30pm and 4.30pm for 5-11 year-olds, and between 10.30am and 4.30pm for 12-15 year-olds. Monday 27th June at Spilsby Market, Market Place Car Park and Buttercross Car Park, Spilsby PE23 5JT, between 9.30am and 12.30pm for spring boosters for people aged 75 and over and anyone aged 18 and over who is currently immunosuppressed. Saturday 2nd July at Stickney Car Boot Sale, Main Road, Stickney, Boston PE22 8AG, between 8.30am and 12pm for spring boosters for people aged 75 and over and anyone aged 18 and over who is currently immunosuppressed For more information visit www.lincolnshireccg.nhs.uk/grabajab
Cllr McNally reported that the Waste Local Plan Review was underway, (already passed to Cllrs) and there are some grants available for trees.
The County were looking to recruit ten new full time fire fighters, one would be in Louth.
Louth County Hospital now offer the facility to re-cycle and re-use medical equipment like crutches, walking frames,etc.
The new purple recycling bin will be delivered to all homes by end of August.
East Lindsey street lights are now going to be maintained by LCC alongside their own, any faults can still be reported on ’Fix my Street’.
18.22 – Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
Cllr Rickett declared interest in planning N/118/1020/22- Highcroft.
19.22 – Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting (10.5.22) were agreed and signed.
20.22 - Matters Arising
The Jubilee bench has been delivered, we are very happy with it, it will be put into place at the Church.
Cllr Osbourne attended a course on Excel, she says she learnt a lot from it. Cllr Claricoates wishes to attend a new councillor’s course when a suitable convenient date can be found.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 09 2022
12th July, 2022
The bench near the village hall has now been refurbished thanks to Councillor Osbourne, with the help of Kez, a ‘Thank you’ card was passed round for signatures, for Kez, who did not charge for his work.
21.22 – Financial
Updated financial regulations have been circulated it was proposed by Cllr Rickett that we approve and re-adopt them, seconded by Cllr Parkinson, All in favour.
Financial statement approved and bank statement signed.
Seven cheques. 2 bac’s payments
888 –HMRC – Paye;
889 – P. Plumridge – 3 extra Jubilee mugs - £22.50;
890 – LALC – Course fee- £72.00;
891 – Cllr expenses - £29.52
892 – Contractor-grass cutting - £432.00
893 - Contractor – grass cutting, play area - £160.00
894 – Contractor – hedge trimming - £93.60
The Jubilee bench was paid by BAC’s - £1030
The Clerks wages were paid by BAC’s
It was proposed we pay these by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Osbourne.
The last payment has been made to PWLB. For our loan to build office and meeting room
22.22 Correspondence
Correspondence received since 10th May 2022
Bank statements;
Clerk & Councils direct.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting: This is not all the emails we received .
13.5.22 LALC course confirmation x2;
16.5.22 Eddie @BMD bench confirmation order;
18.5.22 LALC E News;
18.5.22 Humber Strategy stakeholder newsletter;
20.5.22 Zurich payment confirmation;
21.5.22 Town & Parish news;
24.5.22 YMCA news and updates;
24.5.22 Police & Crime Commissioner update;
24.5.22 LALC E news;
27.5.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;
31.5.22 ELDC Planning decision notice – N/118/0049/22 Littlefield Lane – full permission;
31.5.22 ELDC Planning consultation N/118/01020/22 – Highcroft;
1.6.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC
2.6.22 LALC E news;
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7.6.22 ELDC Planning consultation – N/11/01000/22 – Old Hall;
10.6.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;
13.6.22 Notification of play area inspection;
14.6.22 LALC E news;
15.6.22 Traffic Regulation Order, Littlefield Lane;
17.6.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;
21.6.22 Town & Parish news;
22.6.22 YMCA News 7 updates;
22.6.22 ELDC Planning decision notice N/118/00109/22 – Eskham Wood – full permission;
22.6.22 LALC E news;
24.6.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;
27.6.22 SBA – Notification of exemption status confirmed;
28.6.22 LCC Minerals & Waste Local Plan- Issues & Options;
28.6.22 LIVES – Supporters day invite.
23.22 Playing Field
The fence at the playing field was damaged by a customer at the pub. They left £32.00 to pay for it. Cllr Pursey and Cllr Parkinson caried out the repair. Cllr Pursey to be reimbursed for expenses.
The football pavilion has now gone, though a pile of rubbish has been left in the pub car park/beer garden. It was agreed that we would get a skip for all the rubbish to go in, proposed Cllr Parkinson, seconded Cllr Mason. All in favour. Clerk to arrange asap. There is now a lot of bushes and undergrowth to be tackled, contractors to be contacted.
24.22 Land at Rear of Jubilee Cottages
This was discussed further and the situation regarding burning of waste would be monitored.
25.22 – Planning
N/118/00649/22 – Littlefield Lane – full permission;
N/118/01000/22 – Old Hall – Supported;
N/118/01020/22 – Highcroft – Supported;
N/118/00109/22 – Eskham Wood – full permission.
26.22 – Chairmans Items
Chair asked for opinions regarding bi-monthly meetings – mixed reactions but decided to carry on.
Cllr Henderson would appreciate a volunteer to help with the War memorial gardens. Cllr Osbourne to put a notice in notice board.
Clerk requested a valuation on Haiwardes Map for insurance purposes so she could look into getting it insured, it was agreed £2000.
27.22 – Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 6th September, 2022 at 7.30 pm
No further business, meeting closed at 9.10
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6th September, 2022