May 2022 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 01  2022

10th May, 2022


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 10th May, 2022 at 7.45 pm


Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair);  S. Osbourne (Vice),  C. Henderson,  H. Mason & C Pursey

Apologies:  Cllrs R Parkinson , V. Claricoates  &  S Atkin. (reasons accepted)

Other apologies:  Cllr D. McNally (ELDC & CC)

Also present:  two members of public

Clerk:  Mrs P. Plumridge


1.22  - Chair

The Chairman opened the meeting and asked for nominations for Chairman for the next year.

Cllr Rickett was nominated and proposed by Cllr Osbourne

There were no other nominations; Cllr Rickett accepted the nomination

Cllr Pursey seconded the proposal.  All in favour

Cllr Rickett accepted and took the Chair


2.22 – Vice Chair

The Chairman asked for nominations for Vice Chair. 

Cllr. Rickett  nominated Cllr  Osbourne.

There were no other nominations; Cllr Osbourne accepted the nomination.

Cllr. Mason seconded  the proposal.  All in favour.

Cllr. Osbourne accepted the position as Vice Chair.


3.22-  Others


Village Hall – Cllr Rickett proposed Cllr Henderson, seconded by Cllr Mason.

Allotment Overseer – Cllr Rickett proposed Clllr Parkinson, seconded Cllr Mason.

Playing Field – Cllr Osbourne proposed Cllr Atkin and Cllr Pursey, seconded Cllr Rickett.


4.22 -  Open meeting for Members of Public


The new landlord of the White Horse came to introduce himself and meet the PC.  He was made welcome we hope he has a successful tenancy.  Once he has settled in he will do more communal things for the village but in the meantime has given permission for access over the pub car park to remove the pavilion from the playing field, we also agreed that, if necessary the fence could be removed.  This will be done as soon as possible.  One of the spare green bins from the pub would also be moved into the playing field.


The problem with the youths had now been put into police hands.


5.22 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports


District Council will meet on Thursday.

Mental Health Awareness week is 9th – 15th May, 2022. Guidance and advice available.


6.22 – Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.




Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 02  2022

10th May, 2022


7.22 – Minutes


The minutes of the previous meeting (08.03.22) were moved signed.


8.22  -  Matters Arising


Councillor courses:  Cllr Osbourne requested to go on the Excel course on 14th June.

Cllr Pursey was advised to attend a ‘New Councillor’ course, as will Cllr Atkin and Cllr Claricoates, when they attend the next meeting.


The Head replied to our email about the zig zag lines at school, she is aware of the problem and has spoken to the taxi drivers and bus driver as well as sending a letter home.


The jubilee mugs have arrived, as have the plaques for the lamp posts.  Cllr Pursey and Cllr Parkinson (hopefully) will put the plaques on the lamp posts.


The benches were discussed, we do not feel it is the right time to site a bench near the village hall, with all the anti-social problems at present.  We will buy one in due course but not now. However, Cllr Osbourne has arranged, at her own expense to refurbish the current bench, she was going to do it with her husband but circumstances have changed and now Kes will refurbish it, the original plaque will be reinstated if possible, if not a new one will be obtained.

The bench for the churchyard will go ahead, it was proposed by Cllr Henderson and seconded by Cllr Rickett.  Bench would be a metal one with colour on it.  Clerk to order.


9.22 – Financial 


Financial statement approved.


Six cheques.


882 – LALC – Membership fees and training etc  - £576.25;

883 – Zurich Insurance - £310.32;

884 – P. Plumridge – Internal Audit fee for Auditor (bottle of gin) - £16.00   (on offer at Tesco)

885 – Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board - £14.47

886 – Contractor – Play areas- £120.00

887 – St Mary’s church,  Churchyard – maintenance -£1100.00


It was proposed we pay these by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Osbourne.


The books have been returned by the Internal Auditor and his report has been received and noted;

The Annual Governance Statement has been circulated; it was approved;

The Accounting Statements have been circulated; it was approved;

The Certificate of Exemption was approved.


Proposed Cllr. Rickett, seconded Cllr Osbourne, all in favour.


The commencement date for the exercise of public rights will be Monday 20 June to Friday 29 July, 2022.





Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 03   2022

10th May, 2022


10.22 Correpondence

Correspondence received since 8th March 2022                              

• Bank statements;

• Clerk & Councils direct.


Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:   This is not all the emails we received .

4.3.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

8.3.22 LALC – E News;

9.3.22 NALC Newsletter;

10.3.22 ELDC Planning – N/118/02221/21 -Full permission;

11.3.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

14.3.22 Report from resident – unsocial able behaviour;

15.3.22 Working in partnership with Anglian Water re vulnerable residents;

16.3.22 Town & Parish News;

16.3.22 LALC E News;

18.3.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

22.3.22 LALC E News;

23.3.22 NALC Newsletter.;

24.3.22 YMCA News;

25.3.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

29.3.22 Hornsea Traffic movement update;

29.3.22 LALC E News;

1.4.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

5.4.22 County Views Panel Survey Promotion;

5.4.22 LALC E News;

6.4.22 NALC Newsletter;

6.4.22 Orsted Hornsea Community newsletter;

7.4.22 ELDC Planning – N/118/00649/22 – Littlefield Lane -consultation – supported;

8.4.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

13.4.22 NALC Newsletter;

14.4.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

20.4.22 ELDC Planning N/118/00705/22 and N/228/00706 – Norman Cottage (listed) – consultation- ongoing;

22.4.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

29.4.22 Chief Exec Bulletin NALC;

29.4.22 Resettlement of refugees information.


11.21 – Planning


N/118/00649/22 – Littlefield Lane -consultation – supported;

N/118/00705/22 and N/228/00706 – Norman Cottage (listed) – consultation- supported


12.22 – Chairmans Items


PC to trim back Littlefield Lane again, Cllr Rickett to contact N. Cook.


13.22 - AOB


Cllr Henderson asked for contribution towards Jubilee, PC willing to pay for band or gazebo, game prizes or bunting etc., Cllr Henderson to forward receipts for up to £200, proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Osbourne.




Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 04   2022

10th May, 2022


14.22 – Date and Time of Next Meeting


Tuesday 12th July, 2020 at  7.30 pm


No further business, meeting closed at 9.10.