November 2022 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council                                               Page: 14  2022

8th November, 2022


Minutes of the Marshchapel Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 8th November, 2022 at 7.30 pm


Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair);  S. Osbourne (Vice),  C. Henderson,  H. Mason, 

Apologies:  R. Parkinson, V. Claricoates and C. Pursey (reasons accepted)

Also present:  Cllr. D. McNally (DC & CC).

Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge


41.22  Apologies

It was noted that, again, no contact has been made from Cllr Atkin, despite the Chair contacting her on 6th November and her promising to return call.  It was also noted there has been no response to emails and ’Whats App’ communications for a number of months 


42.22 -  Open meeting 

No members of public present.


43.22 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports

District Councillor reported East Lindsey had moved to the Hub at Horncastle.  ‘Warm spaces’ were being pursued in as many areas as possible.  Avian flu has hit the region, part of Marshchapel is affected.

The energy rebate is being rolled out as well as information regarding the avoidance of ‘loan sharks’ in the area.

County Cllr reported they were happy with bus retention but please continue to use it.

Lincoln Christmas Market will include the availability of the Castle Wall Walk.

Fire and Rescue are looking at community risk, there is a consultation on the ‘Let’s Talk Lincolnshire’



44.22 – Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.



45.22 – Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting (8.9.22) were agreed and signed.


46.22  -  Matters Arising

The Jubilee bench is cemented in place at the Church and looks very nice. A picture will go on web site.

Cllr Claricoates emailed that she found her course useful but lacked interaction and was rather PowerPoint heavy so you had to just listen, however she did learn a few things and got clarification on some points.  It also covered roles and responsibilities in a good level of detail.

War Memorial gardens are looking great and ready for Remembrance Sunday.


47.22 – Financial 

Financial statement approved and bank statement signed.

PC now have debit card.


2 Cheques signed: proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Osbourne, all in favour.


903 – Contractor – playing field grass cutting - £288.00

904 – Contractor  - play area  - £200.00



Marshchapel Parish Council                                                     Page: 15  2022

8th November, 2022


48.22 Christmas Tree

The power is now on site and ready to be professionally commissioned. Clerk to contact electrician.   We cannot buy a rooted tree big enough, our best course of action would be to buy the biggest pot tree we can get and plant it out and grow it on, they usually grow about one foot per year, so we could have a reasonable tree in 3 to 4 years time. We can’t have a bigger tree dug up to re-plant, it is 90% certain to die.

We could buy a bigger cut tree for this year, this will require staking and tying down and possible safety barriers, an alternative suggestion was to put lights in the trees that we already have and ask the local school children to help with making some decorations, maybe in the form of present tags, laminated and hung on tree and it was also suggested paper mâché baubles.  Cllr Osbourne offered to go to school and talk to teachers and also offered to help with paper mâché. 

Cllr Rickett proposed we allow up to £50 for expenses to school, up to £200 for outdoor lights, around £200 for the power to be commissioned.  Seconded Cllr Mason, AIF

We will obtain a sign/banner to put up., acknowledging Internetty help, Ben to be asked. 


49.22 Salt Bin – Salters Close

Clerk explained that she has spoken with Highways regarding salt bin.  They will not install a new bin as this is a private road.  If we install a new bin, they will not fill it. 

Suggestions were that we install a bin and fill it from the bin near shop, or buy a supply.  Alternatively, just buy a spreader and let residents fill spreader from existing bin.  Cllr Rickett to speak to residents and report back.

LCC also suggested asking Housing Association.


50.22  Notice Board

The notice board in the Trust gardens is in a poor state, Clerk suggested replacing it. Cllr Rickett and Cllr McNally are prepared to give a £500 grant towards a new one.  Cllr Osbourne proposed we buy a new notice board and spend around £750/£800, Cllr Henderson seconded, AIF.  Clerk to sort one out and email round for approval.


51.22  White Horse Public House 

We have been notified that there will be another new tenant very shortly.  We will discuss this again in January.


52.22  Playing Field.

The clearance we paid for has vastly improved the area but the rest of the perimeter could do with some trimming as well.  It was proposed by Cllr Rickett that we ask Nick Cook to do this, seconded by Cllr Henderson, AIF.

The perimeter will be inspected regularly, on an annual basis.


53.22 Correspondence

Correspondence received since  6th Sept. 2022                                         


• Clerks & Council  Direct – newsletter;

• Bank statements


Emails received/forwarded since last meeting


NALC Chief Executive Bulletins regularly received on Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21, & 28.

LALC E News received on Sept 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 10 17, 24 & 31.

NALC News & Events Newsletter  received on Sept. 7, 20, 21, 27, Oct.4, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25,   Nov. 1, & 2.

14.9.22 Anglian Water, Lincs Reservoir Programme;

20.9.22 ELDC Planning – N/118/01020/22- Highcroft – full permission;

21.9.22 YMCA Newsletter;

26.9.22 ELDC Planning – N/118/01647/22 – Peterscroft – consultation;

28.9.22 Royal British Legion ‘Tommy’ memorabilia;

28.9.22 Sport England -survey;


Marshchapel Parish Council                                                  Page: 16  2022

8th November, 2022



29.9.22 LALC Conference & AGM  (12.10.22)

4.10.22 Louth Active Travel Scheme;

5.10.22 Monthly newsletter – Louth Town & Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team;

10.10.22 Lincolnshire Bus Service Updates;

17.10.22 ELDC Planning – N/118/01647/22 – Peterscroft – further consultation;

18.10.22 Town & Parish News;

25.10.22 YMCA Newsletter;

28.10.22 Avian Flu Communication.


54.22 – Planning

Between meetings:

N/118/01647/22 Peterscroft – not supported

At meeting:

N/118/02105/22 – Timber Mill - supported

N118/02092/22 – Longfleeet - supported


55.22 – Chairmans Items

The poppy wreath will be laid on Sunday 13th, as the Village Hall is unavailable it will be looked into serving refreshments at The Chapel.

Clerk commented on all the lamp post poppies around the area and the silhouette ‘Tommy’s’.  She was aware of a local business who were willing to donate towards a ‘Tommy’ for next year, maybe to put in the War Memorial grounds or if we can develop the area near the village hall into some more gardens/seating it could go there (similar to Tetney gardens).  Chair to put it out on ‘Spottted’ to see if we can get more sponsors.  Cllr Henderson & Cllr Mason to look at drawing up some plans for seating/gardens to bring to January meeting.


56.22  Next Agenda items

White Horse, ‘Tommy’, Garden plans.


57.22 – Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 10th January, 2023 at  7.30 pm, precept to be set.


No further business, meeting closed at 8.10.




10th  January, 2023