February 2023 Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 20  2022
28th February, 2023
Minutes of the Marshchapel Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 28th February, 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair);  S. Osbourne (Vice),  C. Henderson,  R. Parkinson, H. Mason,                          C.  Pursey. & V.  Claricoates (from 7.45).
Also present:  Cllr. D. McNally (DC & CC).
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
71.22  Apologies
No apologies;  Cllr Claricoates running late.
72.22 -  Open meeting 
No members of public present.
73.22 – County & District Councillor Report
Cllr McNally reported an Air Fix weekend at Lincolnshire Life Museum 4/5 March and a Lego one at The Collection, Lincoln 11/12 March.
Four firefighters flew to help rescue teams in Turkey following the earthquake for a week,
Budget is to be increased by 5%
There will be food waste collection/recycling, following Government directive, from March 2025, expect more bins!
Cllr Rickett gave following information.
Green Waste Collections 2023-2024
For those residents of East Lindsey who would like to take part in our green waste service have only until Sunday to subscribe or renew their subscription to ensure that they receive the full 21 collection for the following year. Visit www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/greenwaste
Have your say on what you think the NHS priorities should be for the next 5 years
The Health and Care Act 2022 requires NHS Integrated Care Boards (ICB, the organisations which plan and commission health services) and their partner trusts (the organisations which deliver health services) to prepare a ‘Joint Forward Plan’ by April of each year. This year as it's the first time they have developed it and have until the end of June 2023.
Due to be called The Lincolnshire NHS Strategy a document that will describe how organisations intend to provide NHS services to meet the needs of Lincolnshire populations’ physical and mental health needs. To help Lincolnshire’s NHS, they want to hear from the most important people in all of this, you the patient, service user or family carer.  They need you to tell them what you want them to focus on as they develop their services. They will of course have to deliver the national priorities, but their focus is the development of local services that work for local people. This survey is a starting point to enable local people to brief them on what is important to you.
Please complete the short survey using this link – the deadline for responses is 21 February 2023 https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NHSLincs5YearPlan
Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 21  2022
28th February, 2023
Night Light Cafes
 Night Light Cafés are safe spaces that offer an out-of-hours, non-clinical support service and are staffed by teams of trained volunteers who are available to listen.   They can also provide signposting advice and information on other organisations that may be able to help with specific needs, such as debt advice or emergency food parcels.
 Night Light Cafés are funded by NHS England and Improvements as an integral part of the Lincolnshire Mental Health Transformation Programme, which is committed to improving mental health and wellbeing by creating opportunities for people to thrive in connected communities.   Acts Trust, who co-ordinate the service, works in partnership with existing charities across the county.
 It doesn’t cost a thing to go to a Night Light Café, the only ask is that people call or send a quick message to book in advance to make sure someone is available to listen and help.
People can self-refer by calling 0300 011 1200 or via Instagram DM or Facebook Messenger @NightLightCafeLincoln.
Find out more at https://www.lpft.nhs.uk/Night-Light-Cafes
Small Grants for Summer Playschemes (UK) through the Woodward Charitable Trust’s
Grants of between £500 and £1,000 will soon be available to registered charities across the UK to fund summer playschemes for children between the ages of 5-16 years.
 Charities with an annual income of less than £100,000 can apply for funding to run playschemes for a minimum of two weeks or ten days during the summer holidays.
 Priority will be given to small, local schemes involving a large number of children especially those with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds. If the applicant is not a registered charity, then a registered charity may apply on the scheme’s behalf.
 The funding is being made available through the Woodward Charitable Trust’s Summer Playscheme.
The closing date for applications is the 6th of April 2023.
More info: https://woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk/childrens-summer-playschemes/
74.22 – Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
75.22 – Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting (10.01.23) were agreed and signed.
76.22  -  Matters Arising
Footway Salting Spreader -.This is now in Salters Close, a resident is housing it in his shed, they are 
Land License – License was looked at, can be used as amenity area but need to get some measuremens from plans so we know exactly where we can be.
Notice Board – delivered, Cllr Osbourne is housing it until we put it up..
Standing Orders -  discussed and to be amended as below. Highlighted wording to be added.
Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Parkinson,  All in favour.
The Clerk shall afford to the press reasonable facilities for the taking of their report of any proceedings at which they are entitled to be present. There shall be no audio or video recording or photographs of the meeting without the express approval of the Council
Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 22  2022
28th February, 2023
• Whilst, in the interest of transparency, permission will be given for audio or video recording, the Council reserve the right to give any person in the room the right to withdraw before recording commences.
If a member of the public interrupts the proceedings at any meeting, the 
Chairman may, after warning, order that he be removed from the meeting and 
may adjourn the meeting for such period as is necessary to restore order. 
Fence Repair & Equipment Maintenance – Cllr Pursey reported nothing has been done yet – too cold.
77.22 – Financial 
Financial statement approved and bank statement signed.
2 Cheques signed: proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Osbourne, all in favour.
908 – Clerk –4th quarter wages 
909 –  HMRC - Paye 
Cllrs agreed that they would continue to have support from Web Master for web site.  Clerk reported his help and knowledge in invaluable.  Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Osbourne.
78.22  Playing Field.
The field has benefitted from the cut back and is looking much better.  We will get a quote to have it re-trimmed in September/October.
79.22  Village Hall Trees
Some Councillors felt the trees needed further pruning/cutting back.  As this is on the Village Hall site Mr Mossop and Trustees/Committee will have to be consulted.  It was reported that they have agreed to clear some overgrowth and trees at the back of the Village Hall that the PC were asked about.  Cllr Mason offered to contact Mr Mossop.
80.22  Election arrangements
Clerk has attended a ‘teams’ meeting.  Information is on our web site (with links)  and ELDC web site.  Anyone who wishes to stand needs a Nomination form with a proposer and seconder, from our Ward.  They will need their own electoral number and proposers and seconders,  Clerk can help with this or Elections team at ELDC will help. Anybody can be a witness.   Nominations need to be handed in to ELDC at The Hub, Horncastle no later than 4pm on 4th April.  It is necessary to make an appointment to do this,  Nominations will be accepted from 14th March.  Nomination forms must not be dated before 4th March.
Complete information packs were given to Chair and Cllr Claricoates,   Forms are easily downloaded for completion.
81.22 Correspondence
• Clerks & Council  Direct – newsletter;
• Bank statements
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting
NALC Chief Executive Bulletins regularly received on Jan 13,20,27,  Feb 3,10,17.
LALC E News received on Jan 16, 23,20, Feb 6,13, 20.
NALC News & Events Newsletter  received on Jan 10, 16,17,18, 24, 31, Feb 1, 2,7,8, 14, 5, 16, 21, 22.
12.1.23    Louth Policing Newsletter;
16.1.23    ELDC Precept acknowledgement;
16.1.23    ELDC notification of new postal address;
Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 23  2022
28th February, 2023
16.1.23    ELDC Planning Consultation – N/118/00032/23 – The Arches;
17.1.23     LALC Annual Training Scheme;
19.1.23    NALC Int. Womens Day;
23.1.23    Town & Parish News;
24.1.23     LCC Town & Parish Newsletter;
25.1.23     ELDC 118/00421/20/n Post House – Breach resolved;
26.1.23     Parishioner re. encroachment of trees at Village Hall site;
1.2.23       Louth NPT newsletter;
13.2.23     LCC – Traffic Reg Order – Eskham;
20.2.23     Louth Rural Policing quarterly update.
82.22  Planning
N/118/00032/23 – The Arches – full permission
83.22 – Chairmans Items
ANPR camera discussed and to be further explored.
White Horse up for sale – Community Asset form to be completed but need input from Cllrs as to why they want it.
Meeting frequency discussed, finally settled on continuing trialling meetings on 2nd Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November but give option at end of each meeting for an additional meeting in one month, if required.  Proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Claricoates, All in favour.
84.22  Next Agenda items
Community asset, Sunshine gym equipment.
85.22 – Date and Time of Next Meeting
No meeting required on 11th April.
Tuesday 2nd May – Annual Parish meeting.
Thursday 25th May – Annual Parish Council meeting.
Both meetings in Meeting Room at 7:30 pm.
No further business, meeting closed at 9.45 pm.
25th May, 2023
Posted 06.04.2023/PP