July, 2023 - Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 04  2023
11 July, 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 11 July, 2023 at 7.30pm
Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair);  H. Mason,  V. Claricoates & C.  Pursey
Also Present:  Cllr D McNally (CC & ELDC)
Apologies:  Cllrs. C. Henderson, R. Parkinson and  S.  Osbourne  (All accepted)
Members of Public – Four members of U14 football team, 2 parishioners
Clerk:  Mrs P. Plumridge
17.23 -  Open meeting for Members of Public
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially the four teenagers representing the U14 football team.
The boys spokesperson asked for permission to use the playing field and white line a football pitch.  They are hoping to join the C league in September.  They have full team and are hoping to fund their own nets, kit, medical kit, balls etc. by working at fund raising.  At present they do not have an adult assisting them but do have someone in mind.
It was proposed that we let the football team use the playing field, free of charge by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Claricoates, all in favour.
A name was suggested to boys of someone who might be able to help with white lining.
The question of insurance was raised, Clerk to check whether our insurance covers the team, if not it was proposed by Cllr Rickett that the PC pay the teams insurance costs, seconded by Cllr Claricoates, all in favour.
The team were told that there were to be no buildings, sheds, caravans or port-a-cabins on site under any circumstances.
It was proposed by Cllr Rickett that we purchase two new nets and pegs for the team, seconded by Cllr Claricoates, all in favour.
Cllr Claricoates and Clerk to look for sponsors for kit for team.
Parishioner present who has problem with tree stumps in playing field, they are affecting his proposed repair to his fence.  He wants to remove stumps the infill dyke and build retaining wall, in time, this could possibly cross 3 houses.
PC were concerned about implications on boundary’s and encroachment on playing field, also Clerk needs to establish whether this section of the field is in Parish Council ownership or County Council ownership. Infilling of dykes (even dry ones) is done by method specified by Drainage Board.   Site meeting to take place on Saturday with Cllr Rickett and Cllr Pursey.
18.23 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports
Cllr McNally reported that there had been a crackdown on tobacco and vapes by Trading Standards in Boston, as well as sales to underage individuals.
The County Council are making litter pickers available to Parish Councils, Marshchapel have already requested a kit.  Cllr McNally offered to pick it up for us.
Cllr Rickett informed us of £5million approved by Arts Council for Skegness, to be spent on foreshore and improving evening entertainment.
Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 05      2023
11 July, 2023
19.23– Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
20.23 – Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting (25.05.23) were moved signed.
21.23 -  Matters Arising
Notice Board – New notice board will be sited somewhere near the bench on Mill Lane.
Fence repair. – waiting for Contractors quote.
V.H. Trees – Main trees have already had crowns lowered. Contractor does not recommend further work at this stage.  Tidying up of area near apple tree required.
Christmas tree/Flag pole - Clerk has confirmed flag pole up to 4.5 m does not require planning permission.  Information on one looked at  4.5 m £88.00 and proposed we purchase it, if it has internal halyard, by Cllr Claricoates, seconded Cllr Mason, all in favour.  If it doesn’t have internal halyard it was proposed by Cllr Claricoates that we pay up to £200, seconded by Cllr Pursey, all in favour.
Lights to go on a flag pole vary in price, Clerk to look for low wattage lights,  Proposed by Cllr Pursey we pay up to £250, seconded Cllr Mason, all in favour.
Cllrs McNally & Rickett to be told prices before we order anything as it could come from the Cllr grant funding.
22.23 – Financial 
Financial statement approved and signed
Seven cheques.  Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Claricoates.
917 – P. Plumridge – Wages Q1;
918 – HMRC - PAYE
919 – ELDC, Election costs - £48.50
920 – S. Osbourne- copy office key - £4.50
921 – Contractor – grass cutting/strimming -£360.00
922 – Contractor – grass cutting main field - £144.00
923 – Contractor – playing field strimming - £180.00
23.23  Co-option of new Councillor
This vacancy has been put on the notice board tonight and will be on web site.  We will advertise for applications to be in by 4th September for consideration at September meeting.  Interviews, if necessary will be before November meeting so the new Councillors first meeting will be November.
24.23  -  Village Hall
Tree surgeon has looked at trees, crowns have already been lowered so he doesn’t advise any further work at present.  Shrubbery round apple tree could do with tidying up.
Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 06      2023
11 July, 2023
Internet connection has now been finalised and reception is fine in meeting room, however further routers are required for main hall.  Village Hall committee to be responsible for these costs.
25.23 – Playing Field
Already discussed.  Fence repair in hand.
26.23 Correspondence
Correspondence received since  25th May, 2023                                                  
• Clerks & Council  Direct – newsletter;
• Bank statements
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting
NALC Events & Newsletter  regularly received on May 30, 31.  June 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28.  July 4, 5.
LALC E News received on June 9, 23, July 7.
NALC Chief Exec. Bulletin – May 25.   June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29,.  July 6.
Rural bulletins and Town and Parish News regularly received.
31.5.23 Confirmation Exemption certificate received.
9.6.23 LALC Summer Conference
16.6.23 LALC AGM
20.6.23 Request for use of Football pitch.  Teenagers to attend meeting to discuss
20.6.23 ELDC Planning – Enforcement 111/00143/23/N  land Adj to Jubilee Cotts.
22.6.23 ELDC – Flag pole usage.
27.6.23 LCC Waste Officers, free litter picking kits (Accepted)
30.6.23 LALC Training Bulletin
27.23 - Planning
Enforcement in progress at land adjacent to Jubilee Cottages.
28.23 – Chairmans Items
29.23 – Items for next Agenda 
Agree interview date for new Councillor, if required.
Before next meeting Clerk will send out new Financial Regulations.  Please could all Councillors read through them so we can adopt them at next meeting.
30.23 – Date and Time of Next Meeting  -  Tuesday 12 September, 2023 at 7.30 pm
No further business, meeting closed at 8.35 pm.    
12 September, 2023