14 November, 2023 - Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 11 2023
14 Nov., 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 14 November, 2023 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (Vice), R. Parkinson, V. Claricoates, H. Mason, C. Henderson, & C. Pursey.
Also Present: Mr Joe Pepper & Cllr D McNally (CC & ELDC)
Apologies: None
Members of Public –One member of public
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
50.23 - Open meeting for Members of Public
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Discussion took place with member of public regarding blocked drainage dykes in and around Church Lane affecting his property. Cllr Rickett has already inspected this and explained the problems. Drainage Board to be contacted and asked to deal with blockage. At the same time there is a blocked dyke at the bottom of the Playing Field on Littlefield Lane, Drainage Board to be asked to deal with this one as well.
(Member of public left meeting at 7.40 pm)
51.23 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports
Cllr Rickett spoke about the village sustainability score and our lack of a score for employers. It will be necessary to send a list of local employers to boost our score. The Pride Team are still available for clean-up jobs in the District. The Police Crime Commissioners survey is still available on line for completion.
Cllr McNally indicated that the £2 bus fares would remain in force until 2025. The CC had saved a lot of money, £2m - £3m, with the part time streetlights and replacement LED’s with no evidence of increased crime rates.
Council meeting opened by Chair.
52.23– Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
None. Later see 57.23
53.23 Co-option of Councillor
It was proposed by Cllr Claricoates that we co-opt Mr Pepper, seconded by Cllr Rickett. All in favour.
Cllr Pepper completed an Acceptance of Office form and DPI.
54.23 – Minutes
The minutes of the previous meetings (12.09.23 &28.09.23) were moved and signed.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 12 2023
14 November, 2023
55.23 - Matters Arising
Christmas Tree & Flag Pole – tree purchased, Cllr Rickett to sort out electric connection with Internetty, Cllr Rickett and Cllr Pepper to put tree up. Up to £100 allowed for sundry equipment that might be needed, proposed Cllr Claricoates, seconded Cllr Mason.
Nets for U14 – decided to hold on to them for now and maybe donate them to another team next season or sell on Ebay.
Village Hall Trees – Tim Jacklin agreed to finish by pruning area by apple tree only.
School Parking – Head monitoring along with ourselves. Discussion took place about a bus shelter which will go on next Agenda.
Plaque – position on table agreed.
War Memorial Maintenance – a volunteer has come forward who would like to do this and take full responsibility for keeping it smart and tidy. The Councillors were delighted to accept his offer. Clerk to contact.
56.23 – Financial
Financial statement approved and signed by Cllr Parkinson.
NALC pay award – agreed to accept.
No cheques
Contractor – £10.99
Contractor – Grass - £300.00
Christmas World - £159.00
Debit card
Currys – Ink - £18.49
Ebay – Plaque - £14.99
Rospa/Playsafety - £90.00
Cllr grant £350 received and VAT refund £693.67
57.23 Village Hall & Parish Council Office
Following a letter from the Trustees of the Combined Trust and taking into account our own views it was agreed that we do not want to share our office with anyone. This is mainly due to the confidential nature and importance of a lot of our files and the fact that it was always the intention that this room would be the Parish Council Office. It is essential that we have safe and secure storage accessible to our own trusted keyholders only. This was proposed by Cllr Claricoates and seconded by Cllr Parkinson. ,All in favour.
Cllr Pepper declared an interest in the next discussion since he was retained to act for us some 2/3 years ago and he was asked to up date us and seek a way forward with regard to the Meeting Room.
58.23 – Playing Field
Rospa report – nothing urgent.
Chance to Share Agreement taken by Cllr McNally is still with CC.
Lottery grant applied for for climbing wall, 4 benches (2 adult, 2 child) and play boat..
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 13 2023
14 November, 2023
59.23 Correspondence
Correspondence received since 12th September, 2023
• Clerks & Council Direct – newsletter;
• Bank statement
• letter from Trustees
NALC Newsletter regularly received on. Sept. 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov 1,8.
NALC Events – Sept. 19. 26, Oct. 6,10, 17, 24, 31, Nov 7
LALC E News received on Sept 15, 29, Oct. 13, 27,
NALC Chief Exec. Bulletin –Sept 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov 2.
Rural bulletins and Town and Parish News regularly received.
21.9.23 Parish precept – 2nd instalment;
22.9.23 UKSPF Grass Roots Grant;
28.9.23 Town & Parish newsletter;
5.10.23 ELDC Parish News;
5.10 23 Info on Climate 7 Ecology Bill;
6.10.23 Rospa Survey;
6.10.23 Victoria Atkins – Community Summitt;
13.10.23 Sub regional Strategy Consultation;
13.10.23 ELDC Polling places review;
18.10.23 LALC Training Bulletin;
26.10.23 Services and Facilities review **** no info on employment
2.11.23 Local Plan open space/play equipment assessment
3.11.23 LALC Pay award;
6.11.23 Active Places Data/Sports England.
60.23 - Planning
61.23 – Chairmans Items
Trying to locate sandbags – they could be in Archive cupboard, will get key and look.
Cllr Claricoates has spoken to Chair about money raised from village calendars a couple of years ago. She wants to donate profit from it (£293.10) to the village Archive Group. This is entirely her decision but it is one we approve of.
A second hand printer/scanner/photo-copier has been donated by Clerks partner. It is in full working order and is in office, we are very grateful.
New email addresses need to be set up for all Councillors, this is in hand.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 14 2023
14 November, 2023
We are aware that our table was, once again, dismantled by hirers of Village Hall, this condition of hire will be re-iterated to Village Hall Committee.as no one present gave permission. It is getting marked and scratched sand should never be removed or dismantled from Meeting Room.
62.23 – Items for next Agenda
Flower planters, self watering;
Bus shelter;
Meeting room;
Enforcement near Jubilee Cottages.
63.23 – Date and Time of Next Meeting - Tuesday 9 January, 2023 at 7.30 pm
No further business, meeting closed at 9.10 pm.
9 January, 2024