25 May, 2023 APC meeting - Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 01  2023
25th May, 2023
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Thursday 25th May, 2023 at 7.30pm
Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair);  S. Osbourne (Vice),  C. Henderson,  R. Parkinson, H. Mason, V. Claricoates & C Pursey
Apologies:  None
Other apologies:  Cllr D. McNally (ELDC & CC)
Clerk:  Mrs P. Plumridge
1.23  - Chair
The Chairman opened the meeting and asked for nominations for Chairman for the next year.
Cllr Rickett was nominated and proposed by Cllr Osbourne
There were no other nominations; Cllr Rickett accepted the nomination
Cllr Parkinson seconded the proposal.  All in favour
Cllr Rickett accepted and took the Chair
2.23 – Vice Chair
The Chairman asked for nominations for Vice Chair. 
Cllr. Rickett  nominated Cllr  Osbourne.
There were no other nominations; Cllr Osbourne accepted the nomination.
Cllr. Claricoates seconded  the proposal.  All in favour.
Cllr. Osbourne accepted the position as Vice Chair.
3.23-  Others
Village Hall – Cllr Rickett proposed Cllr Henderson & Cllr Pursey, seconded by Cllr Osbourne
Allotment Overseer & Playing Field  – Cllr Rickett proposed Cllr Parkinson, seconded Cllr Mason.
4.23 – Forms
All Councillors handed in their completed DPI’s and signed their Acceptance of Office forms.
5.23 -  Open meeting for Members of Public
No members of public present.
6.23 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports
Nothing to report, been busy reforming Committees etc. after election.
Councillors have been requested to think of a use for Councillor grant money.  Ideas put forward were bench, flag-pole, ornate Christmas tree structure (dual purpose).   Ideas and pictures/costs for July meeting.
7.23– Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
Cllr Rickett declared interest in item 13 since it was raised by his neighbour
Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 02      2023
25th May, 2023
8.23 – Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting (02.05.23) were moved signed.
9.23 -  Matters Arising
White Horse - We are pleased to see The White Horse open again for business.
School Parking – No reply has been received from the Head Teacher or the Governors.  This situation is still ongoing and is causing problems with the traffic flow as well as being dangerous for the children. 
It was also discussed that we should have a Representative as a School Governor again, one has not been 
appointed for 6/7years.  Clerk to write.
V.H. Trees – no response yet to quote request.
10.23 – Financial 
Financial statement approved.
No cheques.
The books have been returned by the Internal Auditor and his report has been received and noted;
The Annual Governance Statement has been circulated; it was approved;
The Accounting Statements have been circulated; it was approved;
The Certificate of Exemption was approved.
Proposed Cllr. Rickett, seconded Cllr Osbourne, all in favour.
The commencement date for the exercise of public rights will be Monday 5 June to Friday 14 July, 2023.
11.23 Correspondence
Correspondence received :                              
• Bank statements.
12.23  -  Village Hall
The cabling for the internet is being put in.
There is an online booking system in place,
The Committee have joined an Association which is offering good support and advice regarding admin and procedurees & amenities.
Contractor had been requested to cut grass at Village Hall site but this has since been cleared by volunteers. 
13.23 – Playing Field
Since we cleared the perimeter some householders have experienced problems with their fences lacking support.  We need to sort out this problem along the whole stretch.
The fence that was repaired has been vandalised again, proposed that we repair again and put back the stile to the Play Area  and another stile to the rear of the White Horse, proposed Cllr Parkinson,seconded Cllr Mason, all in favour.
Marshchapel Parish Council  Page: 03   2023
25th May, 2023
There has been a problem getting the bin emptied but if it is put with the Village Hall bins it gets done.
We have been contacted by a concerned resident that the telephone wires at the bottom of the playing field are being impeded by the growth of the trees.  We have had this professionally inspected and there is no risk at present of any damage occurring.  Clerk to inform resident.
14.23 - Planning
N/118/00683/23     Marshchapparel – passed/full
15.23 – Chairmans Items
Once we are officially told to co-opt a further Councillor we will advertise it in the village on the notice boards and on the web site.  We would probably be looking to appoint for September meeting.
Clerk to ask Karl Graham for quote to put up new notice board..
16.23 – Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th July, 2023 at  7.30 pm
No further business, meeting closed at 9.25.    
11th July, 2023