March 2021 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 27/2020
9th March, 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held via the Zoom App on Tuesday 9th March, 2021 at 8:03pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne, C. Henderson, R. Cordy, H. Mason, R. Parkinson , S. Atkin
and V. Claricoates
Apologies : Cllr D. McNally. (ELDC & LCC)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
Members of the public have been given the opportunity to join the meeting if they contact the Clerk for the meeting ID and password or by obtaining the meeting ID and password from the Agenda on the web site.
Chair opened the meeting with these words:
“Before we start tonight’s meeting, I’d just like to say a few words about Bob Bealey.
Bob joined Marshchapel Parish Council in June 2007, where he served for 13 years until his illness forced him to retire. Bob was also a Trustee of the Combined Charity Trust for many years. His contribution to both the Trust and the Parish Council was greatly appreciated and should not go un-noted. He was a true Gentleman and will be greatly missed by all of us.”
All present endorsed these words.
New co-opted Councillor – Victoria Claricoates was welcomed to the meeting.
Cllrs were asked to confirm if they were alone in room or if members of public present. All confirmed they were alone.
No members of public present.
114.20 – Cllr Rickett (ELDC) - Report
Cllr Rickett reported that ELDC were focusing on drawing attention to loan sharks and money scams in view of peoples financial situation due to Covid, they were offering advice and workshops.
There is a scheme in place to improve rented housing and seek out rogue landlords, there will be some new interventions in place.
The budget for the next financial year has been approved.
Clerk has not yet received any information regarding local plan, issues and options as spoken about at last months meeting, it was due out on 15th February.
On a CC level, the railings on the bridge on Church Lane have been reported again.
115.20 – Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
116.20– Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read but could not be signed.
117.20 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report
Village Hall work is still not complete there is a tree behind the apple tree with a lot of undergrowth and ivy growing around it which still needs to be cleared and Clerk has again been brought this to the attention of contractor.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 28/2020
9th March, 2021
A quote for £960 has been received to repaint the multi-play equipment on the Playing Field, this was discussed and Cllr. Cordy proposed we accept the quote, this was seconded by Cllr. Henderson. This is the first time the equipment has been repainted since it was installed about 2002/3
With regard to other repair work needed on benches, it was agreed to look into the possibility of renewing these with recycled plastic furniture. Clerk to look for information and this will be an Agenda item next month.
The tree in Hallgarth is still ongoing.
118.20– Financial
Report accepted and approved.
Four cheques.
846 – P.Plumridge – Clerks wages
847 – HMRC – Paye
848 – P.Plumridge, expenses for year - £50.34
849 – Supplier - flowers for Mrs Bealey - £30.00
Cheque payments proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Henderson
The question of whether the Clerk should received holiday pay was discussed and Cllr Osbourne pointed out that as an employee clerk was entitled to holiday pay and as an employer the Parish Council should offer to pay it. There is a formula on the government web site for working out what is due but it roughly equates to 12.07% or 5.6 weeks. Cllr Osbourne has looked at other PC’s and most seem to pay holiday pay.
Cllr Osbourne proposed that the Clerk receives holiday pay and that it is backdated to April, 2020 and from now onwards it be paid quarterly with wages, seconded by Cllr Parkinson.
119.20 Correspondence
Correspondence received since 9 February, 2021
- Bank statements;
- Clerk & Councils direct.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:
This is not all the emails we received .
- 9 Feb 2021 – LALC News;
- 12 Feb – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 12 Feb – LALC Annual membership fees;
- 16 Feb – Rural Bulletin;
- 16 Feb – LALC E-News;
- 17 Feb – Electoral roll update;
- 19 Feb – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 22 Feb – Town & Parish newsletter;
- 22 Feb - Environment Agency Factsheet;
- 23 Feb – Rural Bulletin;
- 23 Feb – LALC Newsletter;
- 23 Feb – NALC Coronavirus update;
- 23 Feb - LALC Training Scheme 21/22; Do we want this, this year?
- 24 Feb – Household waste update;
- 26 Feb – YMCA Community Links & Updates Bulletin;
- 26 Feb – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 26 Feb – Town & Parish newsletter;
- 2 March 2021 – Rural bulletin.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 29/2020
9th March, 2021
It was discussed whether we wanted to buy into the LALC training scheme again this year and it was decided that as we didn’t use it last year we would not buy in this year and pay for any training required.
120.20 Village Hall
Nothing to report, waiting for Mr. Mossop to instruct Mr Pepper.
121.20 – Chairman’s Items
122.20– AOB
Clerk reported that she has checked with Insurers regarding public liability cover and it would be in order for someone to cut grass around the village on our instructions. It was discussed and it was felt 5/6 hours a month would probably be sufficient. Clerk to speak to man who cut village hall site last year and ask him if he is interested and what his hourly rate would be.
Clerk also reported that according to NALC site ‘virtual’ meetings will no longer be legal after 7th May, we need to think about this and decide if we want to bring May meeting forward and try and get all audit information ready before 7th May, as any face to face meeting will have to be Covid secure after that. Hopefully Government will extend the deadline and ‘virtual’ meetings can continue for a bit longer, they (Gov) are being lobbied to do this.
Cllr Atkin reported a drain top, belonging to AWA that is lifting out when you stand on it, near the park entrance, as she knows its exact location she will report it.
123.20 Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 13th April, 2021-7.30pm Trust and 7.45pm Parish Council.
No further business meeting closed at 9.15pm