September 2021 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council                                                  Page: 09/2021

14th September, 2021


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Meeting Room on Tuesday 14th September, 2021 at 7.30 pm

Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair);  S. Osbourne (Vice Chair),  C. Henderson,  H. Mason and  S. Atkin, 

Apologies:  Cllrs R. Parkinson and V. Claricoates  (reasons accepted)

Also present: Cllr D McNally (LCC).

3 members of public – Mr & Mrs Pursey and Dr Maguire

Clerk:     Mrs P. Plumridge


30.21  - Chair

Chair welcomed everybody.

31.21 -  Open meeting for Members of Public

Dr Mcguire asked the Councillors opinion on the proposed nuclear waste site at Theddlethorpe.  Chair informed him that officially this has not been notified to PC or discussed by them yet.  Once we are given further information we will share it with community.  Some general discussion took place on this topic.

32.21 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports

Cllr Rickett reported that it was no longer necessary to make an appointment at Louth tip.

Covid numbers are still high in East Lindsey and all young people are being encouraged to go for their jab.  It is parental choice if children over 12 have the jab.

There is dangerous blue/green algae in the water at Sutton on Sea, this will also be present at Covenham Reservoir.

The alliance with Boston and South Holland has gone ahead, resources are shared.

Cllr McNally reported that 130 Afghan’s (not sure if its people or families) will be relocated in Lincolnshire, probably not in East Lindsey as there is little support available for them.

Devolution that was looked into a few years ago is now possible again, though not as an elected post of Mayor.  More info to be emailed.

Louth hospital has made a NHS bid for improvements.

There could be a problem with PSV drivers for school buses over winter.  Businesses have reported a lack of apprentices.

The school have reported problems crossing the road – moving the reactive speed sign was discussed as was the Speedwatch program.

33.21 – Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.

Cllr Rickett declared and interest in a planning application N/118/01431/21,

Marshchapel Parish Council                                                  Page: 10/2021

14th September, 2021


34.21 – Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were moved and signed.

35.21  -  Matters Arising

Agenda items later.

36.21 – Financial

Financial statement approved and signed

Six cheques.

867 –  P. Plumridge in payment of contractors grass cutting bill – £20.00

868 – Contractor -grass cutting £264.00

869 – Playsafety Ltd, Rospa Report - £82.20

870 – Contractor – grass cutting - £20.00

871 – P. Plumridge- Wages

872 – HMRC - PAYE

It was proposed we pay these by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Henderson.

37.21 Correspondence

Correspondence received since 27th July, 2021                              

  • Bank statements;
  • Clerk & Councils direct.

Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:

This is not all the emails we received .

  • 27.7.21 LALC E News;
  • 28.7.21 NALC Newsletter;
  • 28.7.21 Quarterly briefing Wolds NPT area;
  • 30.7.21 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
  • 30.7.21 ELDC Planning N/118/01431/21 extension permitted;
  • 2.8.21 NALC Events;
  • 2.8.21 Hornsea Newsletter;
  • 3.8.21 LALC E-news;
  • 4.8.21 NALC Newsletter;
  • 4.8.21 Local list campaign;
  • 6.8.21 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
  • 10.8.21 LALC E news;
  • 11.8.21 ELDC Planning N/118/01701/21, 11 Littlefield Lane, consultation;
  • 12.8.21 PWLB – updated guidance and terms.
  • 12.8.21 ELDC Planning N/118/01201/21 – The Cottage, Littlefield Lane – full permission;
  • 13.8.21 NALC – Chief Exec Bulletin;
  • 17.8.21 Town & Parish news;
  • 17.8.21 LALC E news;
  • 23.8.21 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
  • 23.8.21 Resident. Incident on Playing Field (to be discussed);
  • 23.8.2- Rospa report;

Marshchapel Parish Council                                                  Page: 11/2021

14th September, 2021



  • 23.8.21 ELDC Planning – N/118/01408/21 Cherry Grove, full permission;
  • 24.8.21 LALC E news;
  • 25.8.21 Tree planting for Parish Councils;
  • 27.8.21 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
  • 27.8.21 ELDC Planning – N/118/01761 Longfleet (to be discussed);
  • 21.8.21 LALC E news;
  • 1.9.21 NALC newsletter;
  • 3.9.21 NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
  • 7.9.21 LALC E news;
  • 7.9.21 LALC Annual Report;
  • 10.9.21 ELDC Planning – N/118/01432/21 Woldview – full permission;
  • 10.9.21.NALC Chief Exec Bulletin

38.21 Playing Field

The Rospa Report brought up  number of issues, Cllr Osbourne and Clerk to  draw up a list.

New equipment/furniture for field has been deferred due to vandalism.

Problems on the field with regard to drink/drug and vandalism have been reported both to us and Police.  There is little we can do, the Police have been contacted and will attend as much as possible, whenever they can but are very short staffed.

Could be a problem with gap in field at bottom of park, if necessary it will be dealt with, proposed by Cllr Rickett to spend up to £150, seconded by Cllr Atkin.

An incident with a moped is being dealt with by Police.

Parishioners are to be encouraged to promptly report any incidents on field to Police by ringing 101.

39.21 – Planning – between meetings

N/118/01761/21 – Longfleet  discussed and supported,

N/118/01701/21 – Littlefield Lane – Supported.

(Cllr Rickett left table)

N/118/01431/21 – Woldview – letter circulated in August was sent in by Clerk, further comments were added and circulated when further information was received, these actions were ratified by Councillors.  Pro – Cllr Osbourne, sec. Cllr Atkin.

(Cllr Rickett returned)

40.21 – Chairmans Items


41.21 AOB

Dr Maguire confirmed he had witnessed incidents on playing field advised to ring 101 if it happens again as well as notifying us and importantly keeping a log of future incidents.

A Christmas tree was being looked into at Village Hall, Chairman confirmed that there was no way we would sanction any electrical installations. Battery power lights would be investigated.


Marshchapel Parish Council                                                  Page: 12/2021

14th September, 2021


War memorial hedge needs cutting, Cllr Henderson can no longer cope.  Cllr Osbourne offered to help but could not handle heavy hedge trimmer.  Clerk said she had a lightweight but efficient one she bought from P & B for less than £100.  Cllr Osbourne said that if PC bought her a trimmer she would

keep hedges trimmed. Proposed by Cllr Rickett to buy hedge trimmer, seconded by Cllr Atkin.  Clerk to obtain.

42.21 – Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 12th October, 2021 at 7.30 pm

No further business, meeting closed at 8.50 .