November 2021 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 13/2021
9th November, 2021
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Meeting Room on Tuesday 9th November, 2021 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (Vice Chair), C. Henderson, R. Parkinson, H. Mason and S. Atkin,
Apologies: Cllr V. Claricoates (reasons accepted), Cllr D McNally (LCC).
1 members of public – Mr. C. Pursey
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
Chair welcomed everybody.
43.21 - Open meeting for Members of Public
Discussion and enlightenment regarding the recent visit to the village by the Nuclear Energy Team regarding the proposed development at Theddlethorpe. Less than 25 visitors to the meeting from the village, some Parish Councillors visited
44.21 – County Councillor and District Councillor Reports
Cllr Rickett gave a report on RWM the Nuclear Waste Team who were at Marshchapel Village Hall on 2nd November. His advice is for people to attend these meetings, which will be held at various villages and ask the team their questions. It is a very contentious issue with extremely far reaching consequences and everyone needs to be fully informed.
The Climate Change and Environmental Team have 22,000 learners from 1700 organisations and Carbon Literacy will be next,
Festival Fabuloso including Alford, Horncastle, Louth, Spilsby and Wainfleet will operate during December.
Homeless Prevention Grant has approx.. £85,000.
Local Councillors, including District & County need to familiarise themselves with Code of Conduct.
A local Charity in Louth has been set up to make school children more aware of domestic abuse, it’s called ‘Be Their Voice’ and was set up following a group of musicians wanting to raise money for the baby of the mum and son murdered in Louth by the mums partner. So much money was raised the baby’s future is secure and the Charity can promote its message across local schools
45.21 – Clerk to receive declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
46.21 – Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were moved and signed.
47.21 - Matters Arising
Extra salt will be stored at Clyde House Farm Yard for the winter.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 14/2021
9th November, 2021
48.21 – Co-option of Councillor
One parishioner applied to be co-opted to the Parish Council, a detailed and varied application letter has been forwarded out to all Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Rickett that we co-opt Mr Pursey, this was seconded by Cllr Parkinson and all were in favour. Mr Pursey was invited to join the Councillors at the table and was duly given his Acceptance of Office form, which was completed along with a DPI and other paperwork to be completed.
49.21 – Financial
Financial statement approved and signed
Two cheques between meetings
873 – P.Plumridge – payment for hedge trimmer - £102.98;
874 – Royal Briish Legion Poppy Appeal - £100.00 (Centenary year)
These were ratified, proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Parkinson.
At meeting, two cheques:
875 – Contractor,village hall grass - £20.00
876 – Contractor – Playing Field grass - £132.00
It was proposed we pay these by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Henderson.
50.21 Correspondence
Correspondence received since 14th September, 2021
- Bank statements;
- Clerk & Councils direct.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:
This is not all the emails we received .
- 17.9.21 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 21.9.- Rural Bulletin;
- 21.9 – LALC E News – Clerks;
- 2.9. – YMCA News and Updates;
- 24.9 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 28.9 – Rural Bulletin;
- 28.9 – LALC E News;
- 29.9. NALC Newsletter;
- 30.9 – ELDC – Planning – N/118/01701 – 11 Littlefield Lane – Full permission;
- 1.10 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 5.10 – Rural Bulletin;
- 5.10 - LALC E News;
- 8.10 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 11.10 – LCC offer of extra salt - this offer taken up;
- 12.10 – Rural Bulletin;
- 12.10 – Queens Platinum Jubilee beacons 2.6.22
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 15/2021
9th November, 2021
- 12.10 – LALC E News;
- 12.10 – Local Listing of Heritage Sites;
- 14.10 – ELDC Planning consultation – N1188/02130/21 – Annex Eskham Wood;
- 15.10 – NALC Newsletter;
- 15.10 – ELDC N/118/01761/21 – Longfleet – Full permission;
- 15.10- NALC - Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 19.10 – Rural Bulletin;
- 19.10 - LALC E News;
- 19.10 – Town and Parish News;
- 19.10 - NALC Newsletter;
- 22.10- LALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 26.10- LALC E News;
- 26.10 – Rural Bulletin;
- 27.10 – NALC Newsletter;
- 27.10 – YMC Updates and Bulletin;
- 29.10.- NALC Chief Exec Bulletin.
51.21 - Playing Field
The Rospa Report has been gone through by Cllr Osbourne, she has cleaned the signs and tried her best with the seats. It was discussed using a pressure washer on seats, Cllrs Rickett and Parkinson to investigate on weekend 20/21st Nov. Ropes and caps need replacing but no decision was taken. Strimmer damage was also noted and it was suggested we ask Tim to use a guard or just use weed killer round posts.
Anti social behaviour has been reported and the PCSO’s have attended and spoken to children. We are still being advised to report any concerns to Police on 101.
Clerk has obtained information on outdoor gym equipment and possibility of grant funding. Cllr Atkin to approach children and see if they would be interested, other Councillors felt that all members of the village would benefit.
52.21 – Planning – between meetings
N/118/01761/21 – Longfleet full permision
N/118/01701/21 – Littlefield Lane – full permission
N/118/02130/21 – Annex, Eskham Wood, supported.
53.21 – Chairmans Items
Remembrance Sunday, Clerk has given Chair poppy wreath, service is at 11.00 at war memorial.
Chair attended launch of ‘Be Their Voice’ a domestic abuse charity set up following the murder of a mother and her child in Louth by her estranged partner. This has snowballed from being a gesture to raise money for the remaining infant into a greater project with money for a charity to be able to go into schools and get their message across.
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 16/2021
9th November, 2021
54.21 - AOB
Clerk suggested following ‘Countryfile’ example and obtaining free trees to plant in village, possibly in Playing Field or on Trust land. No decision made.
Seat near village hall needs repairing, Cllr Osbourne offered to do this.
Another salt bin was suggested in North Lane, if we buy it will LCC fill it? Clerk to investigate.
55.21 – Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 14th December, 2021 at 7.30 pm
No further business, meeting closed at 9.00 .