December 2020 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 19/2020
8th December, 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held via the Zoom App on Tuesday 8th December, 2020 at 8:06pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne, C. Henderson, R. Cordy, H Mason, R. Parkinson and S. Atkin
Also present : Cllr D. McNally. (ELDC & LCC)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
Members of the public have been given the opportunity to join the meeting if they contact the Clerk for the meeting ID and password.
Cllr were asked to confirm if they were alone in room or if members of public present. All confirmed they were alone.
No members of public present.
80.20 – Cllr McNally (LCC & ELDC) - Report
Cllr McNally reported that there was little to report, there was a meeting the next night (9th). Covid-19 cases, at the moment in East Lindsey are very high. The roll out of the vaccine, in the future will be mainly to hospitals and care homes to start with, as well as G.P.’s if they can cope with the very low temperature required to store it (-70), it will keep for only 4 days in a normal refridgerator. At the moment there is a significant number of Covid cases being caught in hospital.
Call Connect has gone contactless for payment.
(Cllr McNally left meeting at 8.25 pm)
81.20 – Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
82.20– Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read but could not be signed.
83.20 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report
Village Hall work is still not complete there is a tree behind the apple tree with a lot of undergrowth and ivy growing around it which still needs to be cleared. Cllr Parkinson to contact contractor.
Despite promising quotes, two contractors who were interested have not given a price for the work on the Playing Field.
84.20– Financial
Report accepted.
Two cheques.
844 – P.Plumridge – Wages.
845 – HMRC – PAYE
Proposed by Cllr Parkinson, seconded Cllr Henderson.
85.20 Correspondence
Correspondence received since 10th November, 2020
- Bank statements;
- Clerk & Councils direct.
- Elan City – Road safety products.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:
This is not all the emails we received .
- 13.11.20 – Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 13.11.20 – Town and Parish Newsletter;
- 16.11.20 – LCC - Covid information;
- 16.11.20 LALC, LCC Covid 19 Community Response Fund;
- 17.11.20 – Rural Bulletin;
- 20.11.20 – YMCA Community Lincs, News and Update Bulletin;
- 20.11.20 – Chief Exec Bulletin;
- 23.11.20 – ELDC Plasnning – N/118/02075/20 – Wayfarers - Agenda item;
- 24.11.20 – Rural Bulletin;
- 25.11.20 – Acolaid case 110/00351/20/N – Chair to report;
- 27.11.20 – Chief Exec Bulletin.
86.20 Village Hall
Additional paperwork has been sent to Joe Pepper.
87.20 – Planning
N/118/02075/20 – Wayfarers – discussed and Suppported
Acolaid case 110/00351/20/N – documentation is now in place to investigate situation before going to enforcement.
88.20 – Chairman’s Items
Chair asked if anyone knew why Village Hall grass was no longer being cut, nobody did, Clerk to make enquiries.
89.20– AOB
Our speed sign requires a lead,Cllr Rickett will try and source it.
Pavement at Rookery need sweeping, Cllr Rickett to report.
90.20 Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th January, 2021-7.30pmTrust and 7.45pmParish Council. Precept setting.
Chair wished everyone a Happy Christmas and advised keeping to bubbles,which was reciprocated by all.
No further business, meeting closed at 8.40pm