February 2020 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council

11th February, 2020

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 11th Febuary, 2020 at 7:30 pm

Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair);  C. Henderson;  H. Mason,  R. Bealey, R. Cordy, S. Atkin.. Apologies: R. Parkinson & S. Osbourne

Clerk:      Mrs P. Plumridge

120.19  - Apologies

Received as above, reasons given accepted.

121.19 Members of Public

Four members of the public were present to discuss a problem with the drainage dykes which are affecting one Parishioner particularly badly as he has 6” of water on his patio and estimates he has pumped over 1 million litres of water since November.

The parties concerned discussed the matter at length, with Parish Councillors asking questions,  and worked out a way forward which might need the involvement of the Drainage Board at some stage. As the graveyard is also affected the PCC will also be included.

It was agreed the next actions that would be taken and it was also agreed to monitor the water levels as the water table is extremely high at the moment and many old spring have started to run again.

We will continue to monitor this.

(Members of public left at 8:05 pm)

122.19 – Police Report

No Police presence – no police report. No forum meeting.

123.19 –  Cllr McNally (LCC) & Cllr Rickett (DC) -  Report

The new Lincolnshire County Council is operational and the Parish Council ones will be updated over the next few weeks.  Clerk confirmed she was booked on course to learn about new web site.

An extra £4 million has been given to Highways as extra funding.

A carers monthly drop in is in operation at St. Barnabas, Louth on the last Wednesday of the month. The Lincoln Collection is exhibiting ‘A Century of Valour’ until mid March.

Cllr Rickett reported that ELDC will raise the Council Tax by 3.49%, which equates to 9.5p per week for a Band D property.

124.19 –  Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


125.19– Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and signed.

126.19 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report

The trees at the Village Hall were discussed, two quotes out of three have been received.  Both are for similar amounts

There is a problem with a spring at the bottom of the Playing Field which also need investigating.

Since he was aware Tim Jacklin would be hiring a digger to carry out the Village Hall work Cllr Rickett suggested we could tag this work in with the village hall trees and get the dyke dug out for a couple of meters so it could be investigated.

Cllr Cordy proposed we accept Tim Jacklins quote, this was seconded by Cllr Henderson. Cllr Cordy also proposed we set a limit of £100 on the extra cost involved for the Playing Field, seconded by Cllr Henderson.

The BT barrier at the Church has been reported twice now and the Clerk has heard back from Openreach that they are not sure why it was there or what work was being carried out, however, they will arrange to clear it and remove barriers.

127.19– Financial

Financial statement approved and signed.

PWLB runs till July 2022, no early settlement figure.

816 - Donation to LIVES for de-fib training on 17th Feb. - £50.00 Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Mason.

128.19    – Correspondence

Correspondence received since 14th January, 2020

•    Bank statements;
•    Clerk & Councils direct;
•    Broxap brochure.

Emails received/forwarded since last meeting: This is not all the emails we received .

•    20.1.20   ELDC Precept confirmation;
•    23.1.20  Openreach case confirmation;
•    28.1.20  LALC news;
•    29.1.20 Town and Parish newsletter;
•    30.1.20  NALC Spring conference;
•    31.2.20 Town & Parish newsletter;
•    3.2.20   Electorate update;
•    4.2.20   Rural bulletin.

We also received an email yesterday about a tree causing a problem in Hallgarth, Cllrs will investigate this an report back.

129.19 – Planning


130.19 – Damage Report

Still complaining about leaves on pavement making it dangerous and slippery near Rookery Farm,  despite Cllr Rickett reporting.
131.19– Chairman’s Items

We have been offered the chance to purchase a NPR (Number Plate Recognition) camera for the village, which once purchased, the Police will control.  We will be responsible for the annual upkeep and hire charge  but will receive none of the data.

It has been emphasised that this camera is not for catching people with no MOT or insurance but merely to help the police in placing vehicles in definite positions and locations at specific times.  We are not sure, at this stage, what input, if any, we will have over where the camera is sited.

It was agreed Cllr Rickett would arrange a public meeting about this with the Police present, as the cost is quite substantial and will come out of the precept, so we can analyse whether or not the villagers want this.

132.19– AOB


133.19  Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 17th March, 2020 -  7.00pm Trust and 7.30pm Parish Council.

No further business,  meeting closed at 8.35pm