October 2020 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 14/2020
13th October, 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held via the Zoom App on Tuesday 8th September, 2020 at 7:45pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne, C. Henderson, R. Cordy, H Mason, R. Parkinson & S. Atkin.
Apologies: Cllr D McNally (LCC & ELDC)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
Members of the public have been given the opportunity to join the meeting if they contact the Clerk for the meeting ID and password.
Cllr were asked to confirm if they were alone in room or if members of public present. All confirmed they were alone.
No members of public present.
57.20 – Cllr Rickett (ELDC) - Report
Cllr Rickett reported that no devolution is envisaged in the near future, the deadline of 9th October has passed.
There will be a full council meeting at the end of October.
58.20 – Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
Cllr Atkin registed an interest in Planning Item N/118/01722/20 – Lowgate; as she will be submitting her own comments.
59.20– Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read but could not be signed.
60.20 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report
Village Hall work is complete except for small part near cottage, again Cllr Parkinson will get in touch with Contractor and ask him to finish off. The apple tree is being left, a volunteer will cut the grass again for us.
A quote has been received for the remedial work in the play area, Councillors would like a further breakdown of costs and suggested putting the repainting of the multi-play equipment on hold until the spring.
Cllr McNally was not present to give an update on the drains in Sea Dyke Way or the state of repair of Littlefield Lane.
61.20– Financial
Report accepted.
One cheque.
840 – Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal - £50.00
In view of Covid-19 and the fact that street collections will be affected Cllr Parkinson proposed we pay extra for our wreath this year and donate £50.00, seconded by Cllr Osbourne, all in favour.
Cllr Rickett will forward grass cutting invoices and tree felling to Clerk for payment.
It was questioned whether we replace the tree in the play area no decision was made
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 15/2020
13th October, 2020
62.20 Councillor Vacancy
Our vacancy has been notified to the Monitoring Officer at East Lindsey. A notice has been put in Notice Board and on web site and the electorate have 14 days (until 30th October) to formally request an election. If they don’t we will be told to co-opt.
63.20 Correspondence
Correspondence received since 8th September, 2020
- Bank statements;
- Clerk & Councils direct.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:
This is not all the emails we received .
15.9.20 – Rural Bulletin;
18.9.20 – YMCA Bulletin;
18.9.20- NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
21.9.20- LALC E-news;
21.9.20 - NHS Test and Trace App launch;
22.9.20 – Rural Bulletin;
23.9.20 – Covid Poster and Info;
25.9.20 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
29.9.20 – Rural Bulletin;
29.9.20 – Planning consultation – N/118/01640/20 – Longfleet;
30.9.20 – School Admissions Policy Consultation;
2.10.20 – Planning enforcement – 118/00426/20/N – Littlefield Farm;
2.10.20 – Planning enforcement – 118/00427/20/N - Post House;
2.10.20 – NALC Chief Exec Bulletin;
2.10.20 – Planning N/118/01027/20 Lowgate – Approved;
2.10.20 – Planning consultation - N/118/01722/20 – Lowgate;
6.10.20 – Rural Bulletin;
6.10.20 – LALC - E News;
6.10.20 – LALC County Committee Vacancies;
9.10.20 – Town and Parish Newsletter
A Parishioner has reported the state of the footpaths in Hall Garth and requested an update about the tree, which Cllr McNally was not present to give.
64.20 – Planning
N/118/01640/20 – Longfleet; Supported
118/00426/20/N – Littlefield Farm; being monitored
118/00427/20/N - Post House; further evidence being submitted
N/118/01722/20 – Lowgate; Not supported. Discussed and Councillors really concerned about traffic and the fact that access is so limited with a weak bridge being ignored and used and very bad access off a blind (fast) bend at Eskham. Councillors fear it is only a matter of time before an incident occurs.
With regard to siting a caravan and shipping container. Councillors do not support the siting of a touring caravan, we would NOT SUPPORT any overnight stays on the site, with regard to a shipping
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 16/2020
13th October, 2020
container, this would be an eyesore in open countryside so we would request that a condition be put on that it is cladded to match the stable block. We do not feel that any more field shelters are appropriate as they appear to be randomly dumped in field. We would also request that a condition be put on site for operating during daylight hours only, we have had numerous reports of excessive noise, (possibly a generator) all through the night.
65.20 – Chairmans Items
Remembrance Sunday- we will seek advice about this, in view of situation with social distancing and Covid-19 regs we will be looking to make it as low key as possible and will comply with all government guidelines.
66.20– AOB
Thank you to Mr Osbourne for trimming and cutting the War Memorialhedge.
Street light No 3 on Plumtree Drive is on all day.
Pop In has re-started as a take away service – 23 meals this week.
Update on crime stats and warning on scams.
Report of litter being thrown into Drain Bridge, asked everyone to be vigilant.
Traffic speeding through village, despite speed sign, contact Road Safety Officer.
67.20 Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 10 November, 2020-7.30pmTrust and 7.45pm Parish Council.
No further business, meeting closed at 9-05pm