November 2020 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council Page: 17/2020
10th November, 2020
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held via the Zoom App on Tuesday 10th November, 2020 at 8:26pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne, C. Henderson, R. Cordy, H Mason and R. Parkinson
Apologies: None
Also present: Cllr D McNally (LCC & ELDC)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
Members of the public have been given the opportunity to join the meeting if they contact the Clerk for the meeting ID and password.
Cllr were asked to confirm if they were alone in room or if members of public present. All confirmed they were alone.
No members of public present.
68.20 – Cllr McNally (LCC & ELDC) - Report
Cllr McNally reported that further investigation into Sea Dyke Way drains would not be possible this year and this type of work has now been moved ‘in house’. However, it is in the system and although low priority at the moment it will be done in due course.
During lockdown the ‘Call Connect’ service is still operating and libraries remain open. The local tip is operating a booking system.
The Family Adoption Services are now working more closely together across local councils and they are hoping to be able to keep and place more siblings together in family homes.
Due to Covid 19 there are a lot of vulnerable people in the coastal strip.
East Lindsey is putting together a bid for funding for Mablethorpe for an ‘Ageing Better Centre’.
There will be a Housing Consultation in January 2021 which it is important the PC respond to.
East Lindsey have taken Waste Services back ‘in house’ and hope to create apprenticeship opportunities.
69.20 – Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
70.20– Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read but could not be signed.
71.20 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report
Village Hall work is still not complete there is a tree behind the apple tree with a lot of undergrowth and ivy growing around it which still needs to be cleared. Cllr Parkinson to contact contractor.
A quote for the remedial work in the play area which we asked to be broken down has not been forthcoming.
Work to re re-advertised on village Facebook site.
72.20– Financial
Report accepted.
One cheque after last meeting.
841 – Contractor – tree clearing and play area maintenance - £510.00
842 – Cancelled
At meeting
843 – Contractor, Sept and Oct Playing Field grass cutting - £264.00.
Proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Parkinson
73.20 Correspondence
Correspondence received since 13 October, 2020
- Bank statements;
- Clerk & Councils direct, (magazine).
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:
This is not all the emails we received.
16.10.20 - Chief Exec Bulletin – Remembrance advice;
20.10.20 – Rural Bulletin;
20.10.20 – YMCA Commmunity Lincs New & Update Bulletin;
21.10.20 – LALC News;
27.10.20 – Hornsea Two Offshore Windfarm news;
27.10.20- LALC E-News;
28.10.20 – Rural bulletin;
30.10.20 – N/118/01640/20 – Approval;
2.11.20 – Support and guidance due to 2nd national lockdown;
2.11.20 – API Newsletter.
74.20 Village Hall
Sub committee reported, minutes on pink paper (confidential) will be forwarded to members and will be made publically available in due course.
75.20 Councillor Vacancy
It has been confirmed no election has been requested, we can now fill the vacancy by o-option. Clerk will put it on web site.
76.20 – Planning
N/118/01640/20 – Longfleet; Approved
77.20 – Chairman’s Items
Remembrance Sunday- went well and complied with all government guidelines.
Office door handle is sticking and needs repair/replacement, proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Parkinson.
Post House is still being clarified
78.20– AOB
Our speed sign is still monitoring traffic, shared one has been passed to Covenham.
79.20 Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 8 December, 2020-7.30pmTrust and 7.45pm Parish Council.
No further business, meeting closed at 9-00pm