May 2020 Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council                                                           Page: 01/2020

12th May, 2020



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held via the Zoom App on Tuesday 12th May, 2020 at 7:30 pm

Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne,  C. Henderson;  R. Parkinson, R. Cordy, S. Atkin..

Apologies: H. Mason (unable to connect)

Also present:  Cllr D. McNally.

Clerk:      Mrs P. Plumridge

This meeting was a ‘first’ for Marshchapel Parish Council which, due to the restrictions in place because of the Coronavirus Covid 19 outbreak, had to be held ‘virtually’ using the Zoom App.  Members of the public have been given the opportunity to join the meeting if they contact the Clerk for the meeting ID and password.

Cllr Rickett welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them all for their co-operation in downloading the app and making this meeting possible.

It is permissible, this year, due to Covid 19 restrictions and the inability of Councils to hold meetings face to face, that all offices be held for a further year.

1.20  Apologies

There were no apologies before the meeting but Cllr Mason was unable to join the meeting.

2.20 Members of Public

Members of the public have been made aware, via the web site, that this meeting was taking place and had been given the opportunity to register an interest and obtain the link to the meeting.  No one did.

3.20 –  Cllr McNally (LCC) -  Report

Cllr Mcnally pointed out that  there is a business grant available  for business having problems during the pandemic, they are entitled to up to £10,000.  Details on LCC web site.

ELDC are also giving grants for food etc, again details are on their web site.

The rubbish tips are going to open up again from 18th May but on an appointment system, this needs to be booked in advance.  Details of this are on Marshchapel Spotted and our web site.

4.20 –  Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


5.20– Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read but could not be signed.

6.20 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report (17/3/20 & 1/05/20)

Flooded property – Church Lane.  This is still being sorted by parties concerned.

BT hole outside Church.     This has now been completed, barriers removed, manhole fixed.

Spring at bottom of Playing Field – update from Cllr. Rickett.

Tree in Hallgarth – update Cllr. Mason

‘BKV Competition -  I have received notification that BKV competition will not be going ahead this year due to lack of funding.  As the posters round the village prove to be well received I wondered if the Parish Council could run a poster competition for the school children, with a general theme of  ‘Looking after

Marshchapel Parish Council                                                           Page: 02/2020

12th May, 2020


Marshchapel’  or maybe ‘Making Marshchapel Marvellous’.  I thought we could discuss this first before approaching the school but I feel sure they would like to be involved.I have attached this report to the end of my previous report.  That meeting, planned for March 17th never took place and after that events overtook us, in the form of Covid 19.

Our first task was to devolve delegated powers to the Clerk, who would work in consultation with the Chair and Vice wherever possible.  This was done by email and this decision needs to be ratified.

Lots of information has been passed out on Covid 19 and the Trust has stepped in to help out with Meals on Wheels on a Sunday for the foreseeable future.

Our task now is to hold a ‘virtual’ meeting on Zoom, this will follow the attached Agenda, where possible.

Poster Competition -  Covid 19 was responsible for the subject of our poster competition, the children have been asked to design ‘Thank you’ posters for the key workers.  I have secured two sponsors for the prize money this year;  Martin Rylatt Plumbing and Heating and TEJ Contracting, both have agreed to my request for £15 which if we match fund will enable us to give vouchers of £15, £10 and £5 in two age groups.

A similar competition  is running at Grainthorpe in conjunction with Grainthorpe PC and the sponsors there are S.A. Mossop (Farms) Ltd  and Mr Bernard Hutchinson.

Both schools are helping with publicity.

Please can we have a proposer and seconder that we match fund the prize money of £30.

Planning - Two lots of planning have been notified both have been supported.

Delegated Powers, since it was necessary to devolve delelgated powers to Clerk, Chair and V. Chair this decision now need to be ratified, it was proposed by Clllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Henderson and all were in favour.  Now we can hold meetings by Zoom it was proposed that the powers be handed back.  This was proposed by Cllr Osbourne, seconded by Cll Rickett, all in favour.

7.20– Financial

 Councillors to receive and approve Internal Auditors report, (circulated)
The Annual Governance Statement was read out, completed and signed by Chairman;
The Accounting Statements were adopted and signed by Chairman;
The Certificate of Exemption was agreed and signed by Chairman
                                              All in favour of above actions


Cheques between meeting:

817 – Clerks wages

818 – HMRC – Paye

819 – Clerks annual expenses, (postage, etc)

820 – Contractor – Village hall trees & play area strimming - £700.00

Cheques at meeting

821 – LALC – subs and training fees - £356.19

822 - Zurich – Insurance - £304.01

All in favour of signing cheques.

Marshchapel Parish Council                                                           Page: 03/2020

12th May, 2020


Prize money for poster competition was discussed, Clerk has obtained two sponsors for Marshchapel, Martin Rylatt Plumbing and Heating and TEJ Contracting who are both donating £15, if the PC match fund this we can

have two ages groups with 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each group of £15, £10 and £5.  Cllr Rickett proposed we match fund, Cllr Parkison seconded this, all in favour.

8.20 – Planning

Two between meetings :

N/118/00670/20 – M Lingard, alterations to Butchers and Chippy.  This was supported and pointed out that work had started before planning permission was obtained.

N/118/00706/20 – S. Worrell – alterations to house – Supported.

9.20 – Chairmans Items

Cllr Bealey has resigned from the Parish Council as of Monday 11th May, due to personal reasons.  We are very sorry to see him go and he has been on the Council since June, 2007 as well as being a Trustee.

Clerk to arrange for a card to be signed by everyone and Cllr Rickett proposed we buy a £50 Amazon voucher for him to choose a gift  he wants.  Cllr Parkinson seconded this.  All in favour.

10.20– AOB

MAD Kids Club - Clerk wanted to report officially and put it on record that Marshchapel Kids Club has now been officially wound up.  This was a much needed and well used after school club that was independently set up, long before the primary school offered after school provision, for the children, to help working parents.  The role has now been taken up by local schools.  There was approximately £1000 in the bank account when the Club closed 4/5 years ago now.  Edward Mossop was the Chair and founder of the Group and Pauline Plumridge was responsible for the staffing and running of the group after Claire, the original supervisor left.  The group ran for over 15 years and some of those years money and funding was really tight.  The Village Hall Committee was generous and allowed them  many privileges at low rates and for this reason, Edward and Pauline  agreed the money left in the  account should now been officially transferred to the Village Hall Committee for them to use as they see fit.

Cllr Henderson reported a complaint of ragwort, this will be looked into.

Parishioner who lives opposite Village Hall has commented that he feels more bushes should be removed from site.Cllr Parkinson, who agreed the original work with contractor will investigate and report back.

Clerk asked to look into getting a Zoom license so that meeting are not time restricted to 40 mins.

It was commented on how well the War Memorial looked for VE day, thanks to Cllr Henderson.

Tuesday 9th June, 2020-7.30pmTrust and 7.45pmParish Council.

No further business, meeting closed at 8.10pm