November 2019 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council

12th November, 2019
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 12th November, 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (V. Chair); C. Henderson; H. Mason; R. Parkinson, R. Bealey, R. Cordy and S. Atkin. 

Apologies: Cllr D. McNally (LCC & ELDC)

Also present:  One member of public

Clerk:     Mrs P. Plumridge

78.19  - Apologies 

Received from Cllr McNally.
79.19 Council meeting closed (7.25) for public session, one member of public present, Mr Edward Mossop, Village Hall Treasurer.

There were a couple of things for discussion with Mr Mossop.   He presented the Parish Council with the accounts for the Village Hall and notes regarding the expenditure for the year.  A number of unexpected costs had occurred during the year, vandalism leaving water running and an electrical inspection but the accounts were still just in the black.  A letter was given to the Clerk requesting a PC grant for next year.

The PC also discussed with Mr Mossop the possibility of landscaping the area between the Village Hall and Sea Dyke Way.  It is proposed to try and open up the area and increase the visibility of the Hall and possibly plant a Christmas tree and maybe have a flag pole.  Mr Mossop was quite happy for work to be done but stated the Village Hall would not be able to contribute towards the cost.  He was however, quite happy to work with the PC to create a specification for the work required.  Cllr Parkinson is keen to help oversee this work and so it was agreed that Mr Mossop and Cllr Parkinson would have a site meeting and sort out a specification for quotes.

(Mr Mossop left 8:00pm)

80.19  Council meeting re-opened.

No Police presence – no police report.

81.19 –  Cllr Rickett (ELDC)  -  Report 


Peer Review

ELDC has undergone a peer review with all departments looked at, staff and cllrs also questioned on numerous aspects within the council. The outcome of the review is now available on the ELDC website.

Skegness Tower Esplanade
Skegness Tower Esplanade is set for £400k improvement works. This is the latest step in the Skegness Foreshore Masterplan which aims to improve the area so it retains the position as leading visitor destination.

The value of tourism to the East Lindsey economy has increased once again to a total of £699 million, according to latest figures.

Government Town Fund
Skegness and Mablethorpe could be in line for a multi million pound cash boost as part of the governments town fund.

New Growth Company
Plans have been approved for the creation of an economic growth company. The company will be tasked with driving economic growth in the district; serving as a housing development company and also helping to deliver a number of key growth projects.

Plans progressed for new education facility and public sector hub
Executive Board will recommend to Council on October 9 that land be purchased to facilitate the creation of the further education centre and Public Sector Hub. The new facility would be located on Mareham Road, Horncastle on part of the former Horncastle College site. Alongside the proposed new education facility, which we are looking to progress with Boston College, the site would be home to wider office facilities to accommodate a number of public sector partners, including East Lindsey District Council.

82.19 –  Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


83.19– Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and signed.

84.19 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report 

Poppy Wreath – This is in the office.  Remembrance Service attended by villagers with coffee served in Village Hall afterwards.  Wreath laid by Cllr Parkinson, Cllr Rickett laid wreath from MP.

Grass cutting - This has been stopped for the winter, we need to discuss (Agenda item) whether we want Groundboss to cut the grass for us again next year.

85.19– Financial

Financial statement approved and signed.  Clerk pointed out grass cutting was overspent, Councillors aware of reasons.

At meeting – 2 cheques – (Contractors names are in account book)

810  - Grass cutting contractor - £132.00
811 -  Play area cutting contractor - £120

86.19 Grass cutting 2020/21

The grass cutting for next year was discussed.  Our current contractor has asked if we will be requiring their services again and it was agreed that we would be happy to continue with them provided the cost was similar to this year.  It was proposed we ask for 2 cuts per month.  Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Clllr Parkinson, all in favour.

87.19 – Correspondence  

Correspondence received since 8th October, 2019            

•   Bank statements.
•   Hornsea  Windfarm planning (passed to Cllr Osbourne).

Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:

This is not all the emails we received .

•   8.10.19 – Town and Parish newsletter;
•   14.10.19 – LALC News;
•   14.10.19 – Rural Bulletin;
•   16.10.19 – Council Motion request re:  National Community Energy Campaign – to be discussed at meeting;  no action.
•   16.10.19 – ELDC – Planning – N/178/01838/19 – Hornsea Wind Farm Zone; 
•   16.10.19 – Kompan – Playground match funding;
•   22.10.19 – Rural Bulletin;
•   25.10.19 – Parish online – News and Updates;
•   29.10.19 - NALC Chief Executive Bulletin;
•   29.10.19 – Rural Bulletin;
•   29.10.19 – Invite from Victoria Atkin MP – ref Broadband; Cllr Osbourne attended
•   30.10.19 – CAB request for funding.
•   4.11.19 – ELDC – Precept information;
•   5.11.19 – ELDC Planning – N/118/01349/19 – Chain Terrace – full permission;
•   5.1.19 – Town & Parish newsletter.

88.19 – Planning

N/118/01346/19 -  3 Chain Terrace, passed, full.

N/178/01838/19 – Hornsea Wind Farm Zone; supported

89.19 – Damage Report


90.19– Chairman’s Items 

A request has been received for help in paying printing costs for a new Village Directory that is being put together, this proves very helpful to new people when they move into the village.  It was proposed we would pay up to £400 towards printing costs by Cllr Rickett and seconded by Cllr Henderson, all in favour.

Clerk asked for electronic copy, when available, for our web site.

91.19– AOB 

Arrangements are in hand for a Paramedic to give Defib training and this will be done once he has received necessary clearance from employers.

It was questioned, following the recent flooding in the County whether we should have some sort of Emergency Action Plan.  Clerk said she thinks there is a template for one which she has downloaded on to the computer, she will look and report back.

Template found and emailed out for Cllrs to comment on next meeting.

Cllr Rickett asked if it was in order to have more police signs made.  Proposed by Cllr Parkinson, seconded by Cllr Osbourne, all in favour.

92.19  Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 10th December, 2019  -   7.00pm  Trust and 7.30pm  Parish Council.

No further business,  meeting closed at 8.40pm