March 2019 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council

19th March, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 19th March, 2019 at 7.55 pm

Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair),   C. Henderson, (Vice Chair),  H. Mason,  R Bealey,  R. Parkinson, R. Cordy,  S. Osbourne .

Apologies:  Cllr. Palmer  (ELDC);    Cllr D McNally (LCC & ELDC); Clerk:   Mrs  P. Plumridge.

116.18  No members of public

117.18  No Police presence, no report.

118.18 – Cllr Palmer & Cllr McNally – not present

119.18 –  Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.

Cllr Rickett declared an interest in planning application N/118/00081/19

120.18– Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were moved and signed.

121.18 – Matters Arising/ Clerks Report Rural Housing – Back on Agenda.

Cllr Osbourne not had time to look at this, however, will discuss again in June/July.

Playing Field -  AWA have been contacted to see if they will contribute towards cost of fencing. Platers, Tim and a company in Cleethorpes have been asked to give a quote for bow top railings, 1m or 1.5m high.

Update:  16.3.19  - A quote has been received from Platers.   AWA have also been in touch and have agreed to replace ‘like for like’ as a gesture of goodwill.

We have been contacted by AWA who are willing to replace the fence at no cost to ourselves. The Cllrs are delighted with this offer and wish it to go ahead.  Clerk to contact Platers and Tim and thank them for their quote and explain situation.

Speed sign.   - Saltfleetby have been asked how much they want for one speed sign unit.

Update:  16.3.19 – a price of £1000 per unit.

Cllrs are not prepared to pay such a high price in view of the age of the equipment and the fact that there will be no warranty with it, it would be more practical to buy new.  They are prepared to offer no more than £600,  proposed Clllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Cordy.

Donation -  I have received and acknowledged a donation of £100 for the organ.

This will go towards the expenses incurred by Marshchapel Archive Group in sorting out their web site.

122.18– Financial

Financial statement accepted,  and signed

774 – P. Plumidge – Wages 775 – HMRC – Paye
776 – P. Plumridge – annual expenses - £86.27 777 – Shirley Osbourne – Expenses - £27.22
778 – TEJ Contracting – fence repair (before further vandalism) - £65.00 779 – Steve Allen – Archive Group web site - £200.00

123.18    – Correspondence

Correspondence received since  12th February, 2019

•    Community Lincs Insurance Services, changes in administration.
•    HM Rev & Customs – year end;
•    LALC Invoices.

Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:

•    21.2.19 – Reporting Highways Issues;
•    21.2.19 – LCC – TRO’s  - Traffic Road Orders;
•    25.2.19 – Humber Newsletter;
•    5.3.19 – Norman Cottage, consultation on  TPO work;  To be discussed. Supported
•    6.3.19 – Parish Elections – Appointments letter;
•    7.3.19 – Platers – request for defib information;
•    12.3.19 – BKV info; will enter, will contact school regarding posters again.
•    12.3.19 - Planning consultation – N/118/00081/19 – Rickett, fence.
•    14.3.19 – Lightweight speed signs – price list applied for; To be discussed
•    15.3.19 – Planning N118/00034/19 – Decision - passed;
•    15.3.19 – Town and Parish Newsletter.

124.19 Playing Field

We have been advised that Mr Belton will be unable to do the grass cutting this year due to ill health.  Quotes will be obtained for alternative contractor.

125.18– Planning

N/118/00081/19 – Mr & Mrs Rickett, Newcroft, application for fence;  Supported between meetings due to time constraint.

TPO work at Fairview – Supported.

126.18   Damage Report – none

127.18– Chairman’s Items - none

128.18– AOB

Election forms completed. Cllr Osbourne offered to take to ELDC.

Cllr Parkinson asked regarding trimming/felling the trees adjacent to Village Hall to make it more visible and also having a Christmas tree and flag pole on the site, opposite the War Memorial. Clerk spoke to Edward Mossop who was going to try and attend this meeting.

129.18  Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 16thApril, 2019 -  7.00pm  Trust and 7.30pm Parish Council No further business, meeting closed at 8.40pm