October 2019 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council
8th October, 2019
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 8th October, 2019 at 7:20 pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (V. Chair); C. Henderson; H. Mason; R. Parkinson, R. Bealey and S. Atkin.
Apologies: Cllr R Cordy (reasons accepted).
Also present: Cllr D. McNally (LCC & ELDC) and three members of public Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
61.19 - Apologies
Received from Cllr Cordy, proposed we accept reason give by Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Osbourne.
62.19 Welcome
Mrs Samantha Atkin was welcomed to the meeting, having been co-opted to the position of Councillor. Introductions were made and she was handed a Declaration of Office and DPI to complete.
Discussion took place regarding a New Councillor course to be held at North Somercotes on 20th November and Cllr Atkin indicated she would be happy to attend. Cllr Mason and Cllr Henderson wished to attend as well. Clerk to reserve three places.
63.19 Council meeting closed (7.25) for public session, three members of public present.
Two members of the public present raised issues with regard to leaves on the footpath and large trees overhanging the road near their property situated on bends of Sea Dyke Way and North Lane/Duckthorpe. The overhanging branches caused problems with the ‘phone lines last year which had to be replaced. Large lorries do knock branches off. The leaves block the drains which causes flooding on the corner. They also reported they had asked Caudwells to clear dykes in Spinney to no avail, although Clerk reported back that Mr Abbott had telephoned her today and stated that he was going to do remedial work tomorrow (9th October) and was very amiable.
With regard to blocked drains Cllr McNally advised that it would be best if a photograph was taken next time this happens and then reported on line to the County Council on ‘Fix my street’. With regard to leaves Cllr McNally and Cllr Rickett would try and get the road sweeper to come through the village.
(Two members of public left at 7:35 pm)
One member of public was there to discuss a planning application N/118/01346/19 and presented his plans to Council, as this was due to be discussed later. He indicated where he had addressed the matters concerning the Planning Officers. Parking was to be 4m away, light tests had shown there was no impediment to neighbour and the restricted view from the bathroom was permitted. He stated that access to attached property was by foot only and this would still be available under the alley way. He was willing to answer any questions the Cllrs had, there were none. He thanked the Council for holding back on their ‘Consultee comments’ until after this meeting when he could take the opportunity to speak to them.
(Member of public left at 7:45 pm)
64.19 Council meeting re-opened.
Chair asked if it was in order to discuss this planning application straight away whilst it was fresh in mind. Cllr Atkin declared an interest as it was a close neighbour.
None of the Cllrs had any objection as new plans seem to have addressed the planning problems. There was perhaps a legal problem but that was not within our remit.
A vote was taken that we Support these plans, 5 in favour, 1 abstained (PR) and 1 declared interested.
65.19 No Police presence, no report, no attendance at forum meeting.
66.19 – Cllr McNally - Report
East Lindsey Councillors will be meeting tomorrow to vote on the proposal to move the Council Offices from Tedder Hall to Horncastle in 2021. They are hoping to link accommodation in with Boston College and possibly the Police and Fire Service.
Tedder Hall is a listed building and it is estimated 15/20 years of maintenance will equate to a new build and it is very large and cold.
Cllr Parkinson made a request that if they move offices they install a letter box. Cllr McNally will pass this on.
67.19 – Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
Cllr Atkin previously declared (see item 64.19).
68.19– Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and signed.
69.19 – Matters Arising/Clerks Report
De-fib training, no one has made contact with shop, no arrangements can be made until we know numbers. LIVES was suggested as a trainer. It was again emphasized there are very comprehensive instructions with the unit
Supply to de-fib checked by Clerk – OK as at 9.10.19.
70.19– Financial
Financial statement approved and signed.
At meeting – 2 cheques – (Contractors names are in account book) 808 - Grass cutting contractor - £132.00
It was proposed by Cllr Rickett to purchase the Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath for a donation of £35. This was seconded by Cllr Osbourne.
809 – Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal - £35.00
71.19 – Correspondence
Correspondence received since 10th September, 2019
• Bank statements.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting: This is not all the emails we received .
• 10.9.19 – Rospa Play Safety Conference;
• 11.9.19 – Acknowledgement from LCC ref Plumtree footpath;
• 12.9.19 - ELDC Planning Consultation – N/118/01346/19 – Chain Terrace;
• 13.9.19 - LCC Footpath ref: 4131630 being dealt with;13.9.19 – New Cllr Training – North Somercotes – 20.11.19 – 18:00- 21:00;
• 18.9.19 – Advice from Monitoring Officer;
• 18.9.19 – LCC – Statement of Community Involvement;
• 21.9.19 – ELDC Panning – N/118/01346/19 – Amendment;
• 23.9.19 – Communication from Mr Etherington ref: N/118/01346/19;
• 23.9.19 – ELDC Planning - refusal – :
• 25.9.19 – ELDC Planning – full – N/118/01370/19 – Marram;
• 26.9.19 – ELDC Planning – consultation – N/118/01744/19 – Swaby Close;
• 26.9.19 – LCC – Fulstow Bridge Refurbishment; (on Marshchapel Spotted)
• 30.9.19 – ELDC Planning – full – N118/01086/19 – Lowgate
• 30.9.19 - LALC e-news;
• 1.10.19 – Public Rights of Way Grass cutting ;
• 1.10.19 – BKV results; (to go on web site and forwarded to all Cllrs.)
• 2.10.19 – Communication from Mr & Mrs McDonald supporting N/118/01346/19
72.19- GDPR
Councillors have been emailed Policy’s and Information regarding conforming to GDPR regulations. The Clerk has been very grateful to Cllr Atkin for her advice and support in getting this all done.
Cllr Atkin confirmed we do not need a DPO or be registered to ICO, however it would be advisable to appoint a Lead so that anyone knows who to direct questions to.
It was proposed by Cllr Rickett that Cllr Atkin be our Data Protection Lead, this was seconded by Cllr Parkinson. Cllr Atkin was happy to take this responsibility on.
The Policys and Information need to be adopted by the Parish Council. It was resolved to adopt:
1. Data Protection Policy;
2. Consent forms;
3. Security Compliance checklist;
4. Privacy Notice for general public;
5. Privacy Notice for Cllrs and Staff;
6. Records Retention Policy;
7. Data Map;
8. Subject Access Request Procedure;
9. Data Breach Policy
Proposed by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Parkinson, All in favour. This information will now be added to the web site.
73.19 – Planning
N/118/01346/19 - 3 Chain Terrace, previously discussed (see item 64.19) – Supported N/118/01744/19 – 7 Swaby Close; discussed and Supported.
Notification received
N/118/01362/19 – Post House – refused, N/118/01370/19 – Marram – full
N118/01086/19 – Lowgate – full
74.19 – Damage Report
75.19– Chairman’s Items
Arrangements have been made for Marc Jones, the Police and Crime Commissioner to attend a meeting for the residents to attend a short information chat and a question and answer session..
Cllr Rickett to advertise this on Marshchapel Spotted and to try to get people to submit their questions before the meeting, this will enable the Commissioner to have all the facts at hand to answer questions.
As discussed, both the Chairman and the Clerk have spoken to and been in contact with the Monitoring Officer, who indicated we had acted properly; he also indicated he had other contact. Cllr Mason said she spoke to him as well.
76.19– AOB
Cllr Henderson reported that the hedges had been trimmed at the War Memorial and it looks ready for the Remembrance Day Service. She will ensure old wreaths are removed.
PC are still keen to tidy up Village Hall hedgerow, Mr Mossop to be invited again to next meeting.
77.19 Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th November, 2019 - 7.00pm Trust and 7.30pm Parish Council. No further business, meeting closed at 8.35pm