May 2019 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Marshchapel Parish Council
14th May, 2019
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 14th May, 2019 at 7.45 pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); C. Henderson (V. Chair); R. Cordy, R. Parkinson, S. Osbourne & H. Mason.
Apologies: Cllr R Bealey (reason accepted)
Other apologies: Cllr D. McNally (ELDC & CC)
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
1.19 - Chair
The Chairman opened the meeting and asked for nominations for Chairman for the next year.
Cllr Rickett was nominated and proposed by Cllr Parkinson.
There were no other nominations; Cllr Rickett accepted the nomination Cllr Osbourne seconded the proposal.
Cllr Rickett accepted and took the Chair
2.19 – Vice Chair
The Chairman asked for nominations for Vice Chair.
Cllr.Rickett nominated Cllr Osbourne.
There were no other nominations; Cllr Osbourne accepted the nomination. Cllr. Henderson seconded the proposal.
Cllr. Osbourne accepted the position as Vice Chair.
3.19- Others
Playing Field Rep.
Cllr Parkinson was nominated by Cllr Rickett
There were no other nominations; Cllr Parkinson accepted the nomination Cllr Osbourne seconded the proposal.
Cllr Parkinson accepted the position as Playing Field Rep.
Village Hall Rep.
Cllr. Osbourne nominated Cllr Henderson
There were no other nominations; Cllr Henderson accepted the nomination. Cllr. Parkinson seconded the proposal.
Cllr. Henderson accepted the position as Village Hall Rep
Allotment Overseer
Cllr Bealey was proposed in his absence by Cllr Rickett, seconded by Cllr Parkinson. To be confirmed by Cllr Bealey at next meeting..
It was agreed that, Cllr Henderson and Cllr Mason would continue to represent us at Area meetings and the Police Forum (if they continued). .
No further business - meeting closed 7.50 pm