June 2019 DRAFT Minutes
Marshchapel Parish Council
11th June, 2019
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 11th June, 2019 at 7: 50 pm
Present: Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair) S. Osbourne (V. Chair) R. Cordy, R. Parkinson, C. Henderson, H. Mason and R. Bealey.
Also present: Cllr McNally (LCC & DC)
Apologies: None
Other apologies: Edward Mossop
Clerk: Mrs P. Plumridge
20.19 - No members of the public present.
21.19 No Police presence, no report on file.
22.19 – Cllr McNally
With regard to LCC Cllr McNally reported that the Council have written to ask for help to keep the Red Arrows in Lincolnshire.
The Childrens Services at LCC have recently been graded as outstanding by Ofsted.
The District Council have set up a Rough Sleeping Prevention Team, based in Skegness, due to the increased number of people sleeping rough in Skegness and Louth areas.
The first meeting of ELDC was used to vote Councillors into roles. Cllr McNally is now Chair of the Planning Committee.
ELDC will be holding a meeting, for District Councillors addressing carbon management and reducing emissions.
There is going to be a reduction in PCSO’s.
23.19 – Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
24.19– Minutes
The minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting and the last meeting were moved and signed.
Cllr Bealey agreed to be our Allotment Overseer.
25.19 – Matters Arising/ Clerks Report (29.5.19)
Speed sign. - Saltfleetby have been contacted again, I am waiting for reply.
We have now received a reply, they are willing to sell us one machine for £600. Cllr Rickett proposed we pay this, seconded Cllr Osbourne.
It was discussed whether we still stay on the rota for the communal sign and we will. This will be reviewed in six months.
Election – As at today’s date we have one person showing an interest in co-option.
We now have three people interested in being co-opted. The Clerk, Cllr Osbourne and Cllr Cordy will have an informal chat with all of them. Two of them have been seen tonight (11.6.19) but the third is not available for a couple of weeks. To keep things fair the third candidate will be spoken to before the next meeting so that a report can be made to all Councillors and a decision made at our July meeting. The new Councillor will be invited to attend from September.
Audit – Internal Auditors report to be accepted. Our Internal Auditor kindly donated his fee to Clerks birthday fund raising cause on Facebook in aid of Cancer Research UK.
Playing Field – It took a lot of effort and phone calls to find somebody willing to pick this up at such short notice. We have secured services of Groundboss Ltd from Tetney Lock and the first cut has been rather costly due to the sheer length and volume of the grass. Hopefully fortnightly cuts will now suffice.
We have received an invoice from Groundboss for £396. The initial cut is charged at £275, whereas the Clerk originally agreed £220 (= to 4 cuts). The Clerk feels the invoice should be amended to reflect original quote, Councillors agree, Clerk has already contacted and waiting to hear
BKV – Thank you for your comments on posters, there was a runaway winner and 2nd and 3rd were between 4 contenders. It was worked out on a points basis to get the result. All the posters are up in the village.
Clerk asked if any Councillors wish to accompany her when she takes the prizes to school. Cllr Osbourne said she would love to come along. Clerk to arrange a time and date.
Benches – Clerk contacted Trev Crawford who offered to paint the benches free of charge if we supplied the paint etc. Paint and brush dropped off to Trev on 24th May. He will do when he can fit it in.
This is ongoing.
DPI’s - As at todays date I have received three, which are on the web site.
Three Councillors gave in DPI’s at meeting, one now outstanding which will be picked up from DC web site in due course.
26.19 – Standing Orders and Risk Assessment
Our current Standing Orders and Risk Assessment were forwarded out to all Councillors prior to the meeting to be read. No one has requested any amendments or alterations.
27.19– Financial
Internal Auditors Report approved and accepted. Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Parkinson.
Financial statement approved and signed.
4 cheques
792 – H.M. Customs & Rev – PAYE
793- P.Plumridge – Wages
794 – Groundboss Ltd – grass cutting (this is being held pending reply to query)
795 – P. Plumridge – Expenses ref Auditors fee, Rent-a-pane, Smyths Vouchers, paint & brush - £92.97
Clerks wages were discussed as well as an additional ½ hour per week.
It was decided to move the Clerk up to Scale post 29 and to pay for any additional hours that the Clerk works on a monthly basis, when the work load is particularly high. This would be trialled for six months and reviewed.
Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Parkinson.
28.19 – Correspondence
Correspondence received since 14th May, 2019
• Glasdon brochure.
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:
• 16.5.19 – Sea Defence Annual Maintenance Fact Sheet
• 17.5.19 – LALC Conference and AGM, 15th October, 2019 at West Ashby
Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:
• 17.5.19 – Planning Appeal – 3 Chain Terrace
• 20.5.19 – NALC Conference 2019 – 28th October, 2019 at Milton Keynes
• 20.5.19 – Application for co-option for Councillor
• 20.5.19- LALC News
• 24.5.19 – LCC Service of Dedication 23.6.19
• 30.5.19 – Future Planning Consultation – Claire Mansey (Clerk to contact)
• 30.5.19 – SCOPE siting of recycling bank (to be discussed)(Clerk to contact and inform them that we do have a collection point in the village for someone else but if this changes at any time in the future we will contact them).
• 31.5.19 - Paddock, Church Lane, consultation on tree work (Approved)
• 3.6.19 – LALC News
• 5.6.19 – Saltfleetby PC ref speed sign (See min 25.19)
• 5.6.19 – NALC Newsletter.
29.19 Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Osbourne
More work is needed on this and Cllr Osbourne handed round information she had collated.
Cllr McNally was interested and he is going to look into this more for us as the only places he is aware of that have a Neighbourhood Plans were Horncastle and Alford, whereas Cllr Osbourne was led to believe that almost all the villages had them.
There is Government funding in place to help with the preparation as well as people who will help, however the Neighbourhood Plan has to fit with and around the Local Plan.
Cllr Osbourne and Cllr McNally will explore this further and report back.
30.19– Chairman’s Items
As discussed at the last meeting, the Chairman has been back in touch with Trace McPhee and we will be given another defibrillator for the village. The Village Hall Committee have agreed that it can be fixed on to the front of the Village Hall.
Clerk asked to contact John Mathews to put in the necessary electric supply for the equipment.
Publicity photos will be required when it is in place.
31.19– AOB
Cllr Mason reported that a Parishioner has reported grass cuttings in the dyke of the Glebe Field down Church Lane As Mossop Farms rents this field from Lincoln Diocese she is going to report it to Edward Mossop.
Footpath 27 needs the paths re-instated across the field, the farmer has ploughed it up.
Cllr Henderson has cleared the War Memorial – thank you.
Cllr Parkinson reported the goal posts need repainting on the Playing Field, Clerk to get 3 quotes.
32.19 Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 9th July, 2019 - 7.00pm Trust and 7.30pm Parish Council.
No further business, meeting closed at 8.50pm