February 2019 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council

12th February, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 12th February, 2019 at 7.30 pm

Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair),   C. Henderson, (Vice Chair),  H. Mason,  R Bealey and R. Parkinson Apologies – Cllr Cordy (hols); Cllr Osbourne (ill)  both accepted

Also present:  Cllr. Palmer (ELDC);    Cllr D McNally (LCC & ELDC); Clerk:   Mrs  P. Plumridge.

103.18  No members of public

104.18  No Police presence, no report.

Cllr Rickett report conversations held with PC Mekkaoui  regarding damage with blade to vinyls on phone box and damage/vandalism to playing field fence. It appears that despite there being a witness to fence damage police are not interested as it was not reported through 101.  Chairman and Clerk reported to PCSO via email. Clerk to contact PCSO again and report incidents again.

105.18 –  Cllr Palmer & Cllr McNally

Cllr Palmer was handed the forms from the Scouts to pay the Cllrs grant money to them.   He missed the last meeting due to illness.

Cllr McNally reported that there would be a full Council meeting next week where they would be setting the precept, it is envisaged it will go up 5%.

An Environmental Crime Officer has been appointed who will be more pro active and monitor dog fouling and fly tipping, possibly putting cameras to help with monitoring.

106.18 –  Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.

Cllr Rickett declared an interest in planning application N/118/00081/19

107.18– Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were moved and signed.

108.18 – Matters Arising/ Clerks Report

Tree fire on Playing Field – Tree has been done, hopefully it can now recover.

Phone Box  - There are now 11 paying adverts on the phone box.  Unfortunately they were vandalised 27th/28th January.  One was badly damaged and will be replaced, two others were slashed and roughed up but not badly enough to warrant replacement.   We have now covered each advert with a sheet of Perspex, bolted on and secured with a locking nut. The cost to protect the ads (enough materials for 15 panes) was £32 for Perspex (sourced locally) and £23 for nuts and bolts.   (approved by Chair through email)

Rural Housing – Next meeting, Cllr Osbourne absent.

Playing Field -  Further damage was reported to the fencing near the AWA site, Tim has been requested to repair as a matter  of urgency.  Quote for £405 put on hold.

This matter was on hold as metal railings were being considered.   Cllrs discussed this and requested Clerk to obtain quotes for 1m and 1.5 m high railing.  The length is 12.2m. In the meantime a parishioner has done a temporary repair for which we are grateful. AWA to be approached to see if they will contribute to cost.

Organ -  The organ has been found a new home and the new owners are highly delighted with it. A donation will be made to PC. which may be used for signage for the office.
109.18– Financial

Financial statement accepted,  and signed

772 – Liam Hutton Hoare – work on tree in Play Field - £950.00
773 – P. Plumridge– all costs involved in setting up vinyls on phone box - £257.10 (accounts on file) Pro. Cllr Rickett, sec. Cllr Parkinson

110.18    – Correspondence -

Correspondence received since  8th January, 2019

•    Letter from bank regarding online access, which proved to be so complicated, even after ¾ of an hour trying to explain it to them, have now arranged for weekly statements.

Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:

•    14.1.19   Confirmation of precept from ELDC;
•    18.1.19  Notification of Consultation – LCC Draft statement of Community Involvement;
•    18.1.19 NALC Open letter;
•    18.1.19 Town & Parish newsletter;
•    18.1.19  Ref:  N118/00223/18  -  Breach of planning control resolved reference storage of tyres;
•    21.1.19  N/118/00081/19 – Mr & Mrs Rickett, Newcroft, application for fence;
•    22.1.19  N/127/00034/19  - Optimus Wind Ltd. Planning application ref temporary compound/portacabins etc
•    22.1.19  Green Cuts Tree Services, letter of introduction and information;
•    22.1.19 Cllr Community Grant Scheme Info;
•    23.1.19  NALC Newsletter;
•    28.1.19 Info from Saltfleetby PC ref Speed sign;
•    1.2.19 Info from ELDC regarding elections;
•    1.2.19 Chief Exec bulletin;

Speed sign.  - We have become aware that Saltfleetby Parish Council wish to sell 2 DF11’s and 6 mounting plates that were purchased in February 2015 and are believed to be in good working order.  They paid £5592.  They are looking for offers.

It appears they don’t use them anymore because no one is prepared to put them up and monitor them and also nobody is interested in data collected.  Clerk requested to ask them how much they want for them.

111.18– Planning

N/118/00081/19 – Mr & Mrs Rickett, Newcroft, application for fence;  Supported

N/127/00034/19  - Optimus Wind Ltd.  Planning application ref temporary compound/portacabins etc. Supported Both these applications were dealt with by email because of time constraints.

112.18  Damage Report – already discussed fence.

113.18– Chairman’s Items

Chair was pleased with outcome of Police meeting which was well attended and covered mainly house security. Thanks to Robbie Whitlock and Doreen Jarvis for serving refreshments.  Card to be forwarded.

114.18– AOB

Cllr Mason reported problem with meeting room being used when main hall is let out. Need to make sure it is being charged for or make alternative arrangements with keys.

Cllr Henderson confirmed Village Hall heating has been resolved it is not on as much.
Cllr Henderson also reported Village Hall Committee is proposing putting up notice boards in meeting room. It was proposed by Cllr Rickett that we make a substantial donation towards the cost of these, seconded by Cllr Parkinson.

Cllr Parkinson put forward an idea regarding trimming/felling the trees adjacent to Village Hall to make it more visible and also having a Christmas tree and flag pole on the site, opposite the War Memorial. Clerk to speak to Edward Mossop regarding trees, as he planted them and get his views.

Cllr Bealey reported cars racing round CT land near Green Lane, off Littlefield Lane.

115.18 Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 19th March, 2019 -  7.00pm  Trust and 7.30pm  Parish Council No further business, meeting closed at 8.35pm