July 2019 DRAFT Minutes

Marshchapel Parish Council

9th July, 2019

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Marshchapel Parish Council held in the Village Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday 9th July, 2019 at 7:30 pm

Present:  Cllrs. P Rickett (Chair); S. Osbourne (V. Chair); R. Cordy, R. Parkinson, C. Henderson, H. Mason and R. Bealey.

Apologies:  Cllr D McNally (LCC & ELDC)

Clerk:     Mrs P. Plumridge

33.19  - One member of the public present. Nothing raised.

34.19  No Police presence,  report on file from Cllrs Mason and Henderson.   

35.19 –  Cllr Rickett, District Report 

Peer Review - ELDC has just undergone a peer review with all departments looked at, staff and Cllrs also questioned on numerous aspects within the council. The outcome of the review will be available within a few weeks time and any improvements and advice (if any is needed) will be acted upon.

Wainfleet - ELDC was involved in the multi agency response to the severe flooding experienced in Wainfleet.  Now the recovery stage has been entered, ELDC has appointed a dedicated flood recovery link worker to serve as a link between the residents/business and the support, information and services that people need.

Community Led Housing  - £2,250,753 has been secured from central government for community led housing in the district.  Community led housing is provided for the benefit of the local community and will generally be affordable rent, low cost ownership/shared ownership. Christine Vicary is the facilitator who can provide advice, guidance and assistance to bring schemes forward. If you feel community led housing is needed in your area or are aware of some suitable land please contact the team 01507 613164.

So Festival -  The free three-day cultural and family entertainment extravaganza and one of the largest in the country kicks off in Mablethorpe on Friday August 30th.  Based at Sherwood Fields from 12 noon until 5pm, this will also feature a showcase for local community groups. Then it’s onto Skegness for the Saturday and Sunday. For more information head to www.sofestival.org

36.19 –  Declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary  interest on any Agenda item in accordance with Localism Act and the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.

Cllr Osbourne declared an interest in the item relating to the defibrillator.

37.19– Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were moved and signed.

38.19 – Matters Arising/ Clerks Report (2.7.19)

Speed sign.   -  Saltfleetby have been contacted again, I am waiting for reply.  

Cllr Parkinson given cheque for £600 to pay for speed sign.     Clerk to email again and Cllr Parkinson will pick up when arrangements made.  

Co-option – Candidate 3 has been asked to an interview before the next Parish Council meeting.

Playing Field – After a phone call we agreed to split the cost for the first cut on the field, Groundboss wanted to charge the equivalent of 5 cuts, whilst I was under the impression we agreed 4, apparently he said it could take at least 4.  He is going to invoice 4 ½ cuts.  I am not happy about it but our hands are tied as the grass just keeps growing!!!!  I have not yet received an amended invoice.
New invoice received, payment to be made.

BKV – The children were delighted with their prizes and sweets, I am trying to get photos for our web site.

Benches – Most of the benches and tables have now been done.

Clerk asked for Cllrs to approve purchase of crate of beer for Trev, Proposed Cllr Rickett, seconded Cllr Henderson.

Future planning consultations -  ELDC have been informed that we wish to be fully informed of all planning matters in Marshchapel.

39.19– Financial

A email has been received from the Auditor indicating that we are eligible to  exempt ourselves from audit.  This will save us the £200 + VAT fee. The exemption certificate was signed by the Chair and the Clerk to be forwarded to the auditors next day.

2 cheques 

796 –  TEJ Contracting, play area - £160.00
797-  Saltfleetby PC - £600

40.19 – Co-option of Councillor

As discussed before the meeting we had three very capable candidates for our Councillor vacancy,  any one of them would have been an excellent choice but after discussion it was proposed that Sam King be our new Councillor,  proposed Cllr Cordy, seconded Cllr Osbourne.  Clerk to email all three candidates of our decision.

41.19 – Correspondence  

Correspondence received since  11th June, 2019

•   Glasdon brochure.
•   Clerks/Council direct.

Emails received/forwarded since last meeting:

•   18.6.19 – Rural Bulletin;
•   18.6.19 – Confirmation of audit paperwork received;
•   19.6.19 – NALC Newsletter;
•   24.6.19 – Email from Parishioner regarding hedge/yew tree at Church (responded to after emails to Cllrs).
•   25.6.19 – Email regarding hedge trimming near Church (responded to after emails to Cllrs).
•   25.6.19 – Rural bulletin;
•   1.7.19 – Correspondence regarding Broadband Vouchers LALC;
•   2.7.19 -  Corres regarding RAF Benevolent Fund;
•   2.7.19 – Rural Bulletin.

42.19  Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Osbourne

Nothing to discuss at this meeting.

43.19 – Planning

We have been informed that a field in Lowgate has been purchased as prospective Livery Stable and to expect a ’change of use’ application.

44.19– Chairman’s Items 

The de-fib box has now been collected and John Mathews asked to sort out the electrics as soon as he can.  Once it is up and running the ambulance service will change the pads and service it as required.

A photo shoot has been requested when it is all in place.

45.19– AOB 


46.19  Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 10th September, 2019  -   7.00pm  Trust and 7.30pm  Parish Council.

No further business,  meeting closed at 8.15pm